Yahoo! Messenger


My wife installed that piece of crap on one of my computers tonight without me realizing it, or I would have complained at the time. I'm very protective about what gets loaded on because I hate like hell having to fix them when something goes wrong and I can get angry at them in a real hurry. :eek: Anyways, it loaded a crapload of junk when installed and it crashed the damn computer when I tried to get rid of it (she still doesn't believe me that the new MSN does both.. argh. She'll see). It said to reboot to finish the installation. I did that, and I tried to delete the associated icons and it crashed the explorer. That computer has NEVER crashed on me, ever. What a piece of garbage. :mad:

Anyways, no real request, just my chance to vent. :mad:
The newer versions of Messenger are pure crapware. I've been using an older version ( from 2002 and it works beautifully, without a single crash, ever.
I have yahoo messenger, and it doesn't crash at all.
It has new good features like plug-ins.