Your View on the DS


New Member
the ds has been out for a while and the sales have exceeded the psp. Except for interface and the battery life, i don't see why it has been doing so well. In my opinion, i think the games are quite pixelated, and 2D. Not to mention, the games seem to be aimed at a younger age group.

what do you guys think?
GBA compatibility, built in wifi, touch screen, bright LCD, compact, few accessories needed for it to feel 'complete'.

Those are some of the reasons I can see it doing so well. It's actually those reasons I bought my DS a week ago. The touch screen is amazingly fun and allows for some interesting control schemes (sometimes annoying however) and gameplay. Plus, when you're after classic gaming, who else is as old as Nintendo and still runs as strong? If you've seen some of the upcoming titles for the DS, it's a great investment.

For similars reasons, I think the Wii will also do well.
Well, I was able to buy my DS, 3 games, and still remain under the PSP's price. That's in Canada though...not sure what it's like in the US.

Hell, $20-30 for games ain't bad in my opinion. It's an easy way to expand your library. I just bought Starfox Command and it's amazing :)
The biggest selling point of the DS is the games. They may not have great graphics compared to the PSP but they make up for that in fun and orginality. That's why the DS is selling more units than the PSP...along with the lower price and greater quality.
The DS has some great potential, but its not doing so well on the graphics side. I like the PSP better because of the larger screen, ablility to play music/movies/pcitures and surf the internet. That would be cool if they combined the PSP technology with the DSs dual screen and touch screen. Now that i would pay $400.
a company called opera actually made a browser for ds to surf the net but its only offered in japanese. Also, some third party has made some kinda cartridge to hold SD cards and etc to allow ds to play video's and music
I don't think the company is called Opera. Anyways...Yep, 2 million people are using the DS Opera browser in Japan. I've seen the SD card thing you mentioned. The sell just the dock for around $40 USD and a dock w/4Gb card for 140$USD.
I can sum up why the sales are up in five words "Mommy, I get video game?" It's probobly true, like you said, they're aimed for lower age groups, I think that another reason is because of the cost. The DS is about $100 less than the PSP's core pack(about $200). And one last reason is Nintendo Fanboys. I chose the PSP because it can play SNES, NES, Genises, almost any sytem. I have both, I use my PSP A LOT more than my DS, I mean I havn't even touched it in over a month, it's not that it's a bad system, it's just the PSP is juse a lot better in my opinion. It can do everything I want in one little PSP. The things I like better about the DS is the cartridges (I hate how the PSP has those UMDs, they scratch WAAAY to easily), cost, Dual Screen, a lot more durible, the touch screen, and the fact that it closes and acts kinda like a screen protector. The things I like better about the PSP is homebrew, bigger screen, music, movies, better graphics, photos, internet, and upgradeable memory. Seperate, neither are perfect, but together, they would rock, plus that'd shut everyone up about the Sony stole Nintendo's whatever stuff. I would spend a lot on a system with all the pluses of the PSP, and the pluses of the DS all in one.
I got a DS last Christmas, and what can I say? I love it. One of the first games I got for it was the ever hard to find, Trauma Center. That other system lets you interact with objects and BE a doctor fighting against a mad new strain of disease?
Then there's Animal Crossing: Wild World. That game has kept me occupied as well. I've played it alot lately sicne I'm currently stuck on TC.
... oh so horribly stuck...
Pictochat is pretty cool too.

Being the game whore I am though, I still want to get my hands on a PSP, 360, and every other thing there is. I'm just like that. I enjoy them all.
I was thinking about getting a DS Lite on my trip to Helsinki on Friday, but I decided to invest the money into getting a new guitar in the future. The DS Lite seems very tempting, though.
Being the game whore I am though, I still want to get my hands on a PSP, 360, and every other thing there is. I'm just like that. I enjoy them all.

Same here, I can't wait for the PS3 to come out, it sucks that it'll be $600 though. BTW, what's Kagome? there's a person on another forum I'm part of that's screen name is Kagome, so I was wondering what it meant.
The price is a big pro for the DS, nintendo has pretty much been out of the war of "My console has better graphics than yours" war for a while and they tend to make fun games rather than realistic games. Also, the PSP is losing the movie market because producers are halting production on movies on the UMD disk format. The PSP is nice for a "mobile media center" but it lacks in the thing that it should be centering on, games. Good games on the PSP are few and far between. I lijke Lumines on the PS but the RPGs on it fail to be anything but "decent". The DS has many fun games, they are not necessarily kid-oriented but just simple and fun and as always it is backward-compatible.

Same here, I can't wait for the PS3 to come out, it sucks that it'll be $600 though. BTW, what's Kagome? there's a person on another forum I'm part of that's screen name is Kagome, so I was wondering what it meant.

Its a character off the anime Inuyasha.
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Oh, that's right, I can't believe I didn't get that, I used to watch that show all the time. But yeah, Nintendo defenitly had the price catagory, and the durribility, my PSP gets beat up easily.
I hate how the PSP has those UMDs, they scratch WAAAY to easily
...How do you scratch them??? I've had my PSP since they first came out in Japan(got it in Japan). Not one of my games has a scratch in it, and I have 7 games. The PSP itself is in great shape too, a couple minor scratches but thats about it. luckily you can buy new front casings, so I'm not worried about scratches anyways.

Good games on the PSP are few and far between

Few and far between? You must not be looking very hard. Lets name a few, Lumines is an awesome game, Ridge Racers is fantastic, Wipeout is cool(though kinda hard), Syphon Filter is an excellent game, Theres Burnout in console form(which is a hell of a fun game), and who can forget Grand theft Auto, Tekken, Race Driver 2006, Daxter, I could go on. Not too mention upcoming games, such as GTA Vice city stories, GT4(whenever thats coming out...) and a Family Guy game that looks hilarious. I do agree that the PSP does need some good RPG's, but thats what Final Fantasy VII Crises Core will be for:)
You must have better cases then I had at first, my first ones were those sleves, they got trashed in those, than I got one that's a lot better and they've been in great shape since than I guess. and I agree with you, the PSP has exelent games. I'm glad that I have a version 1.5, those of you with 1.5 or that know a few things about Devhook will know what I mean.
The DS Lite has been real tempting for me. But, I haven't wasted the money on it yet... I don't think I'll ever get a PSP, my experience lately is that the Nintendo platforms have a lot more games that I'm interested in playing than the other 2.