YouTube Problems


Hello Everyone,

As some of you make already know, I make youtube videos. Sometimes when I go into Video Manager YouTube will tell me on a particular video that it has detected a problem, for example "We have detected Black Bars and Shakyness in this video, would you like us to fix it" I want to fix the Black Bars but I DON'T want to fix the shakyness (whenever i do the video goes all weird and even more shaky!).

Do you know how I could just choose Black Bars and not choose Shakyness?

Thanks :)


Staff member
Don't bother fixing anything at all - do your videos have black bars in them which are noticeable?


Yes they're quite noticeable.

I was just wondering if there was a way to fix it without editing on Sony Vegas. If there's not that's OK.


Raz3rd (if that's how you spell it) has already explained all this to me :p. I'm using Hypercam 2 although I should be using Fraps but I can't because I lag too much while running Fraps and Minecraft.