What are you currently playing?

I've been playing minecraft:





Minecraft is great fun, it's more like gmod than doom, you mine ore and craft stuff, and kill monsters occasionally for stuff :D
Ugh... way too many games on the god right now. I need to narrow it down and work on a few to finally finish the stories to them, then go back after and work on the Achievements and Trophies.

Right now I'm caught up playing Ghost Trick on my DS. It's a great little game. Good twists in the plot.

Mass Effect 2 and Little Big Planet 2 on the PS3. I still need to beat my God of War III and FF XIII. Plus several others.

Borderlands recently on 360. Still need to get further and beat both Fallouts (3 and NV...) the list goes on. Just so busy lately with my two jobs.

AND I still need more money on top of my two jobs. What the hell? v.v
I don't even spend that much... but soon I guess I will be spending close to $800-900 on a plane ticket for March. Herm.
Project Reality, I am in love with this game, I'm just miffed that I can only play it on low settings for the moment :(
Just played through Mass Effect 2 on PC. I'd played it on the 360, but it looks soooo much better on PC. I didn't think there'd be a difference since it's DX9, but holy poop!

I still haven't figured out how to force AA, though. :/
I've been on my PSP a fair bit recently. Played MGS: Peace Walker. It was alright, but nothing great I don't think, same old japanese forced plots and awful voice acting/story

Also playing Fifa 11, and I usually don't like sports games, the last I played were Rugby League 2 and Fifa 08 on my PS2, but honestly, I am addicted to this game!! I've got it on PC too, but can't play it properly yet because my stand-in system is awful, but the little I have been able to play before rage quitting from poor performance is amazing. The fluidity of it and how realistic it seems is amazing. It is just another reason to want a gamepad though, because keyboard doesn't really work too well :(
I've been on my PSP a fair bit recently. Played MGS: Peace Walker. It was alright, but nothing great I don't think, same old japanese forced plots and awful voice acting/story

Also playing Fifa 11, and I usually don't like sports games, the last I played were Rugby League 2 and Fifa 08 on my PS2, but honestly, I am addicted to this game!! I've got it on PC too, but can't play it properly yet because my stand-in system is awful, but the little I have been able to play before rage quitting from poor performance is amazing. The fluidity of it and how realistic it seems is amazing. It is just another reason to want a gamepad though, because keyboard doesn't really work too well :(

Forgive me if you already mentioned it and I didn't notice, but whatever happened to your uber awesome rig?
EDIT: Oh I see your mboard is missing from your sig...
Forgive me if you already mentioned it and I didn't notice, but whatever happened to your uber awesome rig?
EDIT: Oh I see your mboard is missing from your sig...

Long story short - Asus Warranty isn't the best, so in the last 4 months (and counting), I've had my system up and running for 1 week.

I'm sat with a brown sauce computer sat next to my monolithic case, which has all of the boxes + components on my system inside, bar the hard drive, PSU and optical drives, which are still installed, and each time I look at it (my system) I feel a slight tingling from how damn gorgeous the case is, and pissed offness that I am sat with a computer that has about as much computing power as your microwave does and is so small that it can fit under the desk without making the slightest bit of difference :(
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Long story short - Asus Warranty isn't the best, so in the last 4 months (and counting), I've had my system up and running for 1 week.

I'm sat with a brown sauce computer sat next to my monolithic case, which has all of the boxes + components on my system inside, bar the hard drive, PSU and optical drives, which are still installed, and each time I look at it (my system) I feel a slight tingling from how damn gorgeous the case is, and pissed offness that I am sat with a computer that has about as much computing power as your microwave does and is so small that it can fit under the desk without making the slightest bit of difference :(

That's heart breaking, man :(
I played Dead Space 2 recently. Good game but a bit too violent and scary for a girl :)
Still I finished it but I had my load of scares alright!
Supreme Commander 2,Lost Planet Colonies & Bad company 2 is what ive ben playing alot of recently. :)
I have been playing Minecraft, DC:UO and Team Fortress 2 on the PC when I have a chance.

As for the PS3, I have been playing Assassin's Creed:Brotherhood online, and Gran Turismo 5.

Absolutely love Brotherhood online.

I am sure my gaming will pick up definitely when mid terms are over.
Archetype on my iPod is pretty awesome, going to get some other FPS games for this thing :D
Battleheart on my iPod is cool as well.
im playing battleifled 1942 atm, bought for a fiver from game and i must say for its age it still beats alot of the newer games