
sigh everytime i close firefox i have to reenter my passwords and cache and cookies are deleted even though I have my settings to not delete anything and to remember stuff

My OS is legit, and I installed firefox from diff installers and diff versions
lately I've been trying Opera 9.62 out while the 10 alpha is now available. I prefer that over FireFox due to seeing both a bookmarks and IE favorites folder you import from IE there. Soon a new spell checker will be available for that browser.

Whether it's IE on some occasions. FireFox, Apple's Safari, and now Opera being tried again at times user names and passwords won't be remembered automatically. Sometimes you start seeing those saved once your offline content grows as well as making a few changes in the security options. It sounds like the password manager in FF is where the problem is there.
come to think of it,ive had a lot of problems with FF recently with it crashing!

seems to have been a problem for me since the past 2 updates.
running FF 2.0 here, loving it. although, the FF 3.0 on my XP machine (which caught a bug from somewhere, but def not FF) has never crashed, I just can't stand the change in looks. Especially since I like to flip back like 5 pages, or forward 5 pages, and like the arrows. 3.0 looks like they replaced the drop arrows with drop down history next to the arrows...

if FF is the problem, switch to google chrome (which is actually quite nice) or opera. mozilla makes a great browser, but if you're having problems, you might have to go without. thats like going to a doctor and saying it hurts when I touch my elbow...simple solution....stop touching the elbow.

I understand you like FF, but give Opera or Chrome a chance, they are MUCH better than IE, and imo on par with FF if not slightly ahead in some categories (ie the crashing :p)
I'll point out one thing people should know about FireFox as well as any other browser. FF seems to be popular since many think they can't get any trojans, spywares, adwares, viruses as seen with IE. Guess again!

It was only a matter of time before someone targeted FireFox with something. Anything you connect online with and becomes popular soon becomes vulnerable to bugs! That's not the first seen either. But I have to agree about 2.0 seemingly being less troublesome and now 3.1 Beta 2 is out already.
I second Chrome. I never liked FF3 as it was buggy. Scrolling was slow and jerky and pages loaded slow. I love Chrome and it's now out of beta so give it a shot.
can you guys stop talking about other browsers? I tried them but I only like firefox.

Doesnt firefox have a support site anywhere