mep916's For Sale Thread.

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well maybe i will just have to buy the video card. im waiting to see how much the GTX285 is going to be

Yeah, it's suppose to be out next month. Probably in the ~$450 range, maybe higher (or lower?)

Hope that helps. :p
i would say lower, because the 295 is supposed to be 499(doubt that, they said that about the 9800gx2 which turned to what? 600 dollars?)
get overclocking!!!!! :D

i think you might be able to hit 3.7Ghz with water cooling?

Makes sense, I was thinking of of my E8400 when I wanted to hit 4.1, but then I remembered Quads can't go as high, so.

So should I upgrade my WB and pump to get 3.7?
Can't believe the 280 still hasn't sold!

I thought it would've sold by now. It's listed at TPU and I've had some international interest, but shipping is pretty expensive. I'll keep it up for another week. If it doesn't sell, I'll keep it or sell it at ebay.
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