Lots of units causes lag

Ok, Im now convinced its a CPU bottleneck.

The smaller the resolution the higher strain is put on the CPU, a fact many don't realise.

At 17" with a 570, your CPU simply cannot handle the texture calls.

As suggested several times before:

* Use a thumbdrive to enable ready boost (8GB drive would be ideal)
* Overclock CPU

Test with 3DMark06 as you make changes.

Or, reinstall windows. You don't have any other options, so start systematically experimenting, starting with the operating system, fresh drivers, reinstall of game, patches, DirectX update and latest motherboard BIOS.

Then ensure you have the correct settings in the game.

Then test again.

I have a 4gb USB if that can help at all?
Also i said i'm not experienced with overclocking, and asked about opinions on different CPU i considered buying to fix these issues.
And 3DMark i didn't get much out of, as i see it it just starts some movie and shows fps and then end. I don't see how that is supposed to help.
Had a quick read through and saw you updated your graphic drivers.

Did you reinstall over your old ones? Or completely remove them?

I personally use driver sweeper when doing mine but some people say its pointless. That said you should still at least uninstall rather than install the new ones over the top as it can cause problems.

I usually reinstall over old ones. Can driver sweeper clean old drivers before installing new?
You have to uninstall using usual method, reboot into safe mode, use driver sweeper on only nvidia stuff, reboot. Then install new ones. This ensure every bit of the old drivers is gone stopping any overlap and potential problems.

Some people advise against it as it can cause problems using programmes like driver sweeper but its always worked for me so if you are going to try it do so at your own risk. Like i said i use this method, But a lot of people dont.
I would reinstall windows and drivers, make sure everything is up to date (e.g. bios, chipset, windows, game patches, directx). Then you can confirm your very low end CPU is the cause - as it is.
Its one of the things that comes with pc's im afraid. Did you try cleaning your old video drivers out and reinstalling with new ones?

Properly and not just over the top.
May be, but how much more time are you going to spend with a stuffed computer without systematically approaching a fix?
You are right then. Warcraft 3 doesn't have a intricate unit collision system, that's why it usually works flawlessly. You really need to check your graphics card. Intstall a pc monitor gadget, like you usually have in windows 7. Here's mine

If all these stats are normal while lagging, than the answer is clear. Your graphics card. Check temperature, fan, and reinstal drivers.
You are right then. Warcraft 3 doesn't have a intricate unit collision system, that's why it usually works flawlessly. You really need to check your graphics card. Intstall a pc monitor gadget, like you usually have in windows 7. Here's mine

If all these stats are normal while lagging, than the answer is clear. Your graphics card. Check temperature, fan, and reinstal drivers.

As far as i can see, my graphic card is better than yours, and by what you're saying it seems you don't lag at all, so i don't see what the graphic card has to do with it at this point.

Temp. doesn't ever go above 70 C, and when playing Warcraft 3 it stays <65 C, and as far as i know it should just stay below 105 C, which it does.
Warcraft 3 runs buttery-smooth on the now extinct AMD Duron, an MX400 and 256MB of RAM. Your hardware is definitely not the problem.

I've had the lagging issue before, but only with A LOT of units on the screen, like A LOT.
Warcraft 3 runs buttery-smooth on the now extinct AMD Duron, an MX400 and 256MB of RAM. Your hardware is definitely not the problem.

I've had the lagging issue before, but only with A LOT of units on the screen, like A LOT.

Yea... the question is how to solve it :S
Without doing the following in order, you are wasting yours and our time:

Exit all programs (properly exit) and open task manager
Wait 5 minutes or so and report what has the highest CPU usage

If all seems well and nothing is using your CPU during idle, then do reinstall.


Go here and check for viruses.

If you have viruses, rebuild your image (i.e reinstall).

Reinstall Windows and if that doesn't help, you know its your CPU (which it is).
i don't know how many times i need to ask it, before you read my question instead of posting this stuff that wont get anywhere anyway. Should i write it with capital letters? link to the posts? well here it goes, once again, which GPU can you recommend for my equipment? Spare yourself for another "fix" this time, ty
i don't know how many times i need to ask it, before you read my question instead of posting this stuff that wont get anywhere anyway. Should i write it with capital letters? link to the posts? well here it goes, once again, which GPU can you recommend for my equipment? Spare yourself for another "fix" this time, ty

I would honestly not recommend a GPU different from a 570. Its one of the top ten GPUs right now. Going to a better GPU won't help because the limiting factor is your CPU, plain and simple. If you can upgrade to a phenom II or similar, that's what I recommend. But seeing as though you want to spend $300+, I'd recommend an i3 and intel board.