keyboard clean?


1. What is the common way to clean a keyboard?
2. Is it really necessary to clean a keyboard? Can I just leave dust inside forever?
I just clean mine out with a paint brush while holding it upside down so dirt will fall out, then I wipe it all down with a cloth with some alcohol or window cleaner. Apply the product to the cloth not the keyboard.
I spray mine with the compressor now and again. It's a first generation Logitech G15 and dust sticks to it like no tomorrow, so I gave up keeping it spotless.
I quit also. Keep food away and just collect dust only. Upside down and shake, blowout keyboard
and maybe use a wet q-swab between keys, and use a wet wipe to shine it up.
Mine has quite a bit of cat hair and dust, even though I'm careful about food. I usually just shake mine upside down and a decent amount comes out.
I pull out my keys to clean my keyboard. The only thing to use is either water, or 99% isopropyl alcohol. Anything stronger than that, and you may risk damaging the printed labels on the keycaps.
Ive taken out keys before. Its a pain in the assss.....
I would take a paper click and straighten it out and
make a 'T' handle with needle nose pliers. make a 1/8 bend on
the end to reach in there and pull it out. To much work. If it gets
that bad i will buy another keyboard and call it a day.
Ive taken out keys before. Its a pain in the assss.....
I would take a paper click and straighten it out and
make a 'T' handle with needle nose pliers. make a 1/8 bend on
the end to reach in there and pull it out. To much work. If it gets
that bad i will buy another keyboard and call it a day.
I have a mechanical keyboard... much easier to take off the keys. :D
I spray mine with the compressor now and again.
That's all I do as well. The keys come off mine so I usually take them off first, blast everything out with air and put them back on. Or if I am lazy, a couple shots of air with the keys on.
Cant remember, who was it that put everything in a dishwasher? Don't do that, that was just a question, lol.
Sfinx never did make a second post to let use know how his cleaning went or is the fact he didn't an indication of how it went :D
I think I can hazard a guess how S.T.A.R.S ended up getting banned.
"Thanks for the advice Stars. Putting my double 3d cards PC in the washing machine right now.
Will let you guys know in a few days how it turned out."
- Sfinx

LOL. I was here when S.T.A.R.S got banned and I believe it had something to do with multiple accounts... I think he was harassing some other members as well.. It's been too long, and too good of a time since he was hit with the ban hammer.

Cleaning Keyboards: I typically shake mine out and use a Clorox/Lysol disinfectant wipe because it cleans off the grime from messy hands (ever eaten something at your desk then not bothered to wash your hands before typing again?).