AMD CPU/Socket Discussion Thread

Their naming scheme and product line also seemed to be trying to force Intel down a notch so to speak in their naming.
Yeah, I get that vibe too with that naming system they're going for... which is a bit childish in my view. If your stuff is competitive, you shouldn't need to stoop to that level.
Yeah, I get that vibe too with that naming system they're going for... which is a bit childish in my view. If your stuff is competitive, you shouldn't need to stoop to that level.
Not quite sure I know what you mean? What's childish about marketing the R5 to compete with the i5's? It obviously does at the price point, and price is the ultimate influence on what you buy. It just so happens that at the price point the chips are way faster on the AMD side. At least while Intel's pricing hold steady and they keep the i5 in the mid $200's range.
Oh I was more referring to their chipset naming schemes being deliberately a higher number than what Intel's naming scheme has been for the past few years.
Looks like gaming performance isn't quite what people had hoped. Makes me even happier I'm waiting for the 1600X in hopes of higher clocks.
Looks like gaming performance isn't quite what people had hoped.
To be honest, I was kinda expecting that from day 1. AMD has been shying away from comparing the 6700k or the 7700k in the benchmarks which indicate that exact thing you're describing. It also further proves my point from the previous page about the hype for this chip is too damn high.

However, the chip's performance isn't bad though. It's no 7700k, but expecting it to be as good or better than that while pwning a 6900k in multi-thread performance was a bit of a stretch. It does well in integer and floating point now, but just sucks at Crypto (w/e that is).
To be honest, I was kinda expecting that from day 1. AMD has been shying away from comparing the 6700k or the 7700k in the benchmarks which indicate that exact thing you're describing. It also further proves my point from the previous page about the hype for this chip is too damn high.

However, the chip's performance isn't bad though. It's no 7700k, but expecting it to be as good or better than that while pwning a 6900k in multi-thread performance was a bit of a stretch. It does well in integer and floating point now, but just sucks at Crypto (w/e that is).
Yeah I never expected it to fully beat Intel, just come close and compete on price. That's all I ever wanted, and it gives them a good basis to work from rather than trying to push a fundamentally shitty architecture that Bulldozer was.
What a disappointment. Looks like I'll be going with the I7 7700K after all. AMD loves to pick us up just to knock us back down again.
I'll reserve judgement until they get some optimizations moving forward. Seems to me AMD kind of expected this, in particular with games based off their reddit AMA. Most stuff isn't optimized for SMT but is for hyper threading.

I never expected them to fully beat Intel in gaming anyway, that didn't seem their intention and expect more competitiveness on the IPC front with future Zen iterations. Considering how close they are on their first 14nm process, I'm content with where they sit.
I really don't think AMD has ever came close to matching Intel's performance have they?
I really don't think AMD has ever came close to matching Intel's performance have they?
You need to brush up on your history. @beers can probably explain better than me but weren't earlier Athlons pretty darn competitive and even Phenom wasn't too far off.

I expect more price adjustment on Intel's part once the full Ryzen lineup is out.
I expect more price adjustment on Intel's part once the full Ryzen lineup is out.

Agreed. Even if the 1800X doesn´t beat the 6900k, performances are comparable and the price is half. It would be silly for Intel to mantain their prices. I´m still super dissapointed (with the 7 line, hopefully the others will do better in games!).