Cheap Windows For Students?


New Member
I keep hearing that if you're a student then you can get a cheap copy of Windows (I forgot if it's XP or Vista) Is this true? I'm a highschool student, so how would I get my copy?
My school has actually sent out an email(I wish I still had it) where students could download free copies of various programs(including XP) I'd like to check back there and see if they might have Vista ;)
The one thing to do if enrolled is to consult the administrative staff to see if there are discounts for education seen on full versions for students. You may see Vista down around the price of XP Pro OEMs there. Those for some reason are seen lower priced then XP Home. Enrolled students would see discounts applied at the student store if available on campus generally.
XP pro is $10 for me and Vista will be available for very cheap late this school year or next semester, when all the lab computers get vista and the school get the license
Have you looked into it at all on your end? You would have to look under educational incentives to see there are any Vista promotions available since that's the latest MS product out.
university of akron sells xp for $30, but they're currently out of copies

maybe they're in transition to vista.....

that'd be nice
I have Windows...They came with the house!!! LOL

:p :p :p :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: should sum that up.

You will notice that some XP purchases included a free update to Vista as part of the promotion for the new version of Windows. You could look around to see if any of the vendors there have any of those deals left and if they are OEM not retail. That can bring the price down at times.
you only need to pay if you want the cd shipped to you. it is free if you download it from msdnaa. they have basically all ms products.
another reason to continue your eduction after high school :)


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I imagine you still have to be enrolled in a colledge or university to be able to download any full retail version or even OEM free of charge.

I take it this is only in the states?

and why don't we get it in the UK?

Because Uk is one big sure if your a student though you can get a discount on windows stuff as long as you prove your a student.

I dont think we get as much discount as they do in the Us though...probably not even half the discount they get:cool:
I'm going to try on that msdnaa web-site now because it has UK as an option in a dropdown list.

Let us know how you get on m8,

Im not a student..however i would like to know if students in the uk do get discount. :)

I think they do:)
I just tried it then, but I need to know some of promo codes and other stuff from my college, I'll need to ask them when I go back...