
Wikipedia gets such a bad rap nowadays. I cant tell you how many times I have found correct information on there(to many to count), but I can tell you how many times I haven't found correct information, and that would be 0.

Besides my friend, if you hate wikipedia then you HAVE the power to change it, thats the whole concept of wikipedia! It puts the power in your hands so you have no one to blame but yourself. But I can see you would rather have petty arguments on a message board thats in no way affiliated with wikipedia and wont change anything. Yeah, thats a way better option.
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he must be a teacher :rolleyes:

Also no, wikipedia is the best site out there for everything, Without it i would know only 1/2 of what i know about computers. And who cares if one or two facts are wrong. so what if we learn them, It does not madder! unless you actually give us proof, we arnt budging

also with the donations they are getting, it is going to be hard to take them down

why do you say that? I mean half the stuff in our public school system's curriculum is wrong anyway. For example, a lot about Christopher Columbus is extremely wrong.
i just say that since teachers (well at least mine) are really anel about wikipedia and how you you should not use it
i just say that since teachers (well at least mine) are really anel about wikipedia and how you you should not use it

Why? Because it can be changed? What happens when you are using a 10 year old Britanica hard cover encyclopedia that is completely out dated and wrong?

Where as Wikipedia is not only accurate for the most part, but it can be updated and modified always online to keep the most up to date records. Most likely, they are just scared to adapt to something different, or they are just stuck in their old ways.
In my opion wikipedia should be banned. its endangering everyones education.

whos with me

Spelling, punctuation, I concur with bass76. Before you make a statement like this look at your own statement.:rolleyes:

Wikipedia is a great resource but as tlarkin says cross reference all information for accuracy.

A good start for a new member
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I mean half the stuff in our public school system's curriculum is wrong anyway.

No shit.

Most of those that are against the use of the Wikipedia are either tightasses or drones, in my opinion. They are the people that like to make a fuss over anything, many times bending the truth or exaggerating claims to meet this end, or the people who blindly follow those people because they have no personality or opinion of their own.
A good start for a new member


What are you talking about, Wikipedia is the best place to get/give informations. Often if you search about something on google, you have to click on any many pages to get the informations you want! But wikipedia is AiO.

You also have to think about other countries development. Wikipedia helps a lot developing countries which are not developed like US or europe. Lets say for example: Africa, Afghanistan, and many other countries. Also in some countries where there is no availability to the internet, Wikipedia has an offline version of all its content on a HDD. And it is available for Students and everyone else to use it. And now you want to ban it?

Wikipedia helps me alot, and alot with my homeworks! and I am sure it does the same for all other students!
Wikipedia is a fantastic resource that should never be used as a reliable source. The majority of the writers simply aren't credible enough.

It does, however, greatly benefit the education of today's youth and otherwise. Before Wikipedia, how many kids would actually read the encyclopedia for hours on end of their own accord?
Wikipedia is a fantastic resource that should never be used as a reliable source. The majority of the writers simply aren't credible enough.

It does, however, greatly benefit the education of today's youth and otherwise. Before Wikipedia, how many kids would actually read the encyclopedia for hours on end of their own accord?

Yeah but what is credible? Read Howard Zinn's "The People's Guide to American History." Its nothing like what you learned in school about American history, and Dr. Zinn has like 4 PhDs in History and is an instructor at Harvard. So, who is more credible in that case?

Wikipedia is very credible in many senses. The problem is when there is a conflict of information, and at least Wikipedia starts discussions about it to decide what is right, where as a paper back book is just printed wrong if its wrong.