New parts! (loads of pics)

Nice computer! What does it look like next to your huge monitor?

Thanks! here's a picture of it:

Oh yeah, I don't know why I bought this ATI card, all it does it look good, I really wish I'd have picked up an nVidia card now! :(

Nice room, Corey ;)
Uhhh, My head hurty!

I've got loads of college work to do too! I thought you were cool man! Why would you do this to me!
I'm going to keep my 24/7 at 4.0ghz. I'm sure i could get 4.3 stable, that was only at 1.38v. I could tell it needed a few more voltage bumps. but all i was wanting was a super pi score and a screenshot :p
I'm going to keep my 24/7 at 4.0ghz. I'm sure i could get 4.3 stable, that was only at 1.38v. I could tell it needed a few more voltage bumps. but all i was wanting was a super pi score and a screenshot :p

Fair enough. :)

Right now I'm installing the SMP F@H client

Awesome! That processor will be perfect. Lookin' forward to your contribution. ;)
Im a bit lost but i know what you're doing is amazing..?lol im not an oc'er but from what i can tell awesome.
I monitor my temps with the gigabyte easytune monitor, its the only program that reports it right. 43*c load.

I'm starting to think its not the chips at all, but poor software support
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