2 questions..


VIP Member
First of all,.. my HDD temps are rather concerning me,.. its fitted right behind the 140mm intake fan in the front

yet the temperature indicated by Everest is 50*C ( my motherboard isnt supported anymore by everest.. but the HDD is recognized by it
(it says its a WDC WD2500JS-55NCB1 ) Edit: as the name does suggest, its a 250Gb Western digital HD ( 7200rpm, but im not sure weither its 8mb or 16mb cache. :x )
so im wondering.. is 50*C a normal temp for a HDD, or is something wrong?

the second question,.. I can buy a 36Gb Raptor rather cheap, If i get it, can i copy my current C:/ partition to it, so i dont have to reinstall windows,. and If i do that, would it make a significant difference?
most manufacturers say 40C should be the highest the HD temp is, maybe you should buy a HD cooler? or hook a fan up underneath the HD?
First of all,.. my HDD temps are rather concerning me,.. its fitted right behind the 140mm intake fan in the front
is 50*C a normal temp for a HDD, or is something wrong?

HDs do run a bit hot, its normal to have it at those tempatures.

the second question,.. I can buy a 36Gb Raptor rather cheap, If i get it, can i copy my current C:/ partition to it, so i dont have to reinstall windows,. and If i do that, would it make a significant difference?

If you make an exact image of your current drive, you can copy the image to the new drive no problem. However, you will have to use Ghost 10 or if there is a newer version to support SATA drive imaging, have your SATA controller driver ready, and have an image file created.

Make sure you get rid of all your temp files before making an image.
so the temps are not really weirdly high or so?

as for the 2nd question... would it make a difference? or wouldnt it be worth the money?
I would say the temps are ok, a bit warm but not serious.

I wouldn't bother with a raptor unless you can find one for cheap. It's not a bad idea to have your OS on one drive (weather it's a raptor or just a 7200) and data on the other.
they are new 110 euro's over here,.. i can buy one for 60 euro, so its rather cheap i gues. But im just wondering,.. would the difference be noticeable?
Maybe some slightly faster loading/boot times. Having the swap file spread out can help too.
It'd probably be noticable in loading games and windows and such but you're not gonna see a difference in fps or anything

Edit: He beat me to it
speedfan says HD temp is 52*C i could try putting it inot the bottom ofc,.. but i though this would be the best since its in the middle of the fan blowing air over it
You can have the windows swap file spread out across any number of hard drives, it's best with a SCSI chain but even just putting the entire swap file on a seperate drive will increase performance a bit.
hmm... so if i put a (for example) 10Gb 7200rpm HD in my pc, and put the swap file on that one, it would help already? ( just curious now)

as for the raptor,.. woud you get one for that price?
speedfan says HD temp is 52*C i could try putting it inot the bottom ofc,.. but i though this would be the best since its in the middle of the fan blowing air over it

I have the exact same problem with my HDD (WD SATA II 160GB). All of my programs say that it is 52C. I find that hard to believe, i wonder if we got bad sensors.
hmm... so if i put a (for example) 10Gb 7200rpm HD in my pc, and put the swap file on that one, it would help already?
A little bit, again this will probably only be noticed while loading.
Not much IMHO.

As for noticeable my roommate has a 74gb raptor and I had a WD 7200rpm 300GB drive and I loaded EVERY game and program faster than he did on my AMD 64 6800GT 2GB DDR compared to his Opty 165 7600GT 1GB DDR. Due to me having 2GB's of ram whereas he had 1GB or ram we think. Now he has 2GB's but I moved to DDR2 and C2D. So hard to say what you would see if anything. Ram has more of an impact than HD's for a lot of things now days from what I've seen.
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hmm... so if i put a (for example) 10Gb 7200rpm HD in my pc, and put the swap file on that one, it would help already? ( just curious now)

as for the raptor,.. woud you get one for that price?

A little bit, again this will probably only be noticed while loading.

I moved my swap over to my 60GB 7200RPM backup drive, and I didn't notice a difference. Part of the reason may be because the 60GB is older and has less cache then my current SATA drive. I decided to just keep my OS drive with the swap file instead.