20 CPU's


New Member
Hi I was just wondering what I would need to build am ultra fast computer - I have the funding for about 20 processors but am not sure if there is a motherboard that would support that many - also, what else would I need in the way of power suppiles, software and other hardware to support 20 or more processors? And finally - would an operating system be compatible with this kind of setup?
Thanks for any help!
Nothing consumer level would support anything even close to this. Besides, it'll be rediculously expensive and uncompatable. Programs are just becomming compatable with duel core, so what makes you think having 20+ processors would help when most programs don't utilize more than one?

If you REALLY want such a system, go look around at Sun Microsystem's products...
I have the funding for about 20 processors
Lets nail it down to a number as well as also outlining what kind of functionality and performance you need.
The_Other_One said:
Nothing consumer level would support anything even close to this. Besides, it'll be rediculously expensive and uncompatable. Programs are just becomming compatable with duel core, so what makes you think having 20+ processors would help when most programs don't utilize more than one?

If you REALLY want such a system, go look around at Sun Microsystem's products...

That's why I was asking about additional hardware/software that will force the OS to become compatible - the same way that supercomputers might be doing it - beleive me... I have the funding for whatever it takes..
lol, this has 2 the most craziest thing i ever heard, 20 CPU's? you would need like a damn truck battery 2 run power 2 all of em.
jp198780 said:
lol, this has 2 the most craziest thing i ever heard, 20 CPU's? you would need like a damn truck battery 2 run power 2 all of em.

OK - it doesn't necessarily have to be 20 CPU's - I just need info on what it would take to build something that would piss all over a 6.4ghz - how do the supercomputers calculate in teraflops? Do I need a network of motherboards? I want to render graphics, play games faster, etc etc... And eventually I want to "rent" its processing capabilities over the internet for people who want to render graphics for large projects...
jp198780 said:
lol, this has 2 the most craziest thing i ever heard, 20 CPU's? you would need like a damn truck battery 2 run power 2 all of em.

"Truck" batteries are DC, Computers use AC.
Trizoy said:
"Truck" batteries are DC, Computers use AC.

Yea but the AC is converted to DC via a 'Full Wave Bridge Rectifier' and then transferred to the mother board - anyway.. don't change my subject please!
So he can then run his 20 CPU's for ~12 min?
10 with a monitor.
i ask you this, whats sounds more stupid,
a noob wanting to run a rig with 20 cpus, or
a noob wanting to run a rig with 20 cpus for only 20 mins.

Both sound equal to me
Comps are DC...the PSU converts the AC to the separate +3/5/12, etc rails as DC
This will be the last of this off-topicness, computer components use DC, the computer, as an entity, uses AC. Now enough of this.
Call IBM and Georgia tech and see if they'll let you buy their 500 GHz CPU with cryogenic freezer. :p But seriously, it really depends on what you need. 20 CPUs would do absolutely no good for games, and , if you're just looking for a fast computer, after about 4 you'd see absolutely no difference. More than 8 CPUs/cores is really only for servers and other mainfraims with high traffic or for scientific calculations and computing. Just getting it for the heck of it is what I call a "Money Rig" (A machine designed with ego in mind, provides no more benefit than a machine of substancially less money for the user's particular needs).
Not to mention, if you get this, you'll need specific processors and chipsets which are designed for this kind of processing in mind. (You can't have 20 Pentium Ds, or use a 975X chipset). A motherboard with a chipset complex for this would be several thousand dollars. And the CPUs, well, they're not going to cost as much as your little Pentium 4 or Xeon, you'd be looking at something like Itaniums, which cost several thousand per CPU.

You'd also need a very expensive OS, such as Windows Advanced server, not just server, advanced server edition, which can only be obtained through Microsoft IIRC, VIA the VLK (I may be wrong here), or a custom compiled linux kernel (not easy), if not, the rest of the power would go to waste, as if it wouldn't with those anyway, since you can't possibly use that kind of power. Not much software would actually be written to use that power, especially not what we all use. This machine will not power an Xp install any more than a Quad Opteron setup. Not to mention it likely would be running a different architecture, PowerPC or IA-32.
If you're still really intrested in that, as mentioned above, contact Sun Microsystems or something. Even Dell possibly. What I reccomend, is either setting up a Quad CPU dual core Opteron system, with 16G of RAM, or even better, a nice dual core CPU FX or Conroe system, with SLI, PhysX, Audigy, dual DVI monitors and all the bells and whistles that would probably rock the house, and you'd be more than happy with. And save a lot of that money. It'd run all your software plenty fast as well. I'd be glad to assist you in configuring a very nice system for all of that, and to me, that's the most logical route.
Does anyone else remeber that guy we had here about 6-7 months ago who had just inhereited like £3 million and he had set aside £80,000 for a PC and wanted us to build it for him, god that was fun, i enjoyed that, this could another one of those. Last time praetor did most of the work and the final thing was bloody impressive.

I think we shoudl do that again....

And did this person ever prove the existance of this machine? Personally, I'd go $25,000 for a desktop, $15,000 for a laptop and $40,000 for some kick as HDTV, Xbox 360 games and all that good stuff.
No he never actually proved it, but it was still extremely fun to price up something so extravagant and awesome
dragon2309 said:
Does anyone else remeber that guy we had here about 6-7 months ago who had just inhereited like £3 million and he had set aside £80,000 for a PC and wanted us to build it for him, god that was fun, i enjoyed that, this could another one of those. Last time praetor did most of the work and the final thing was bloody impressive.

I think we shoudl do that again....


lol yeah didnt we all tell him to give us some money and buy a 5000k comp.

anyway back on topic, what is the point of building a supercomputer? unless you work in some wacky area of computing? if you want a very powerfull computer for everyday use, i think that two cores would be enough
