3dmark 05 problem low score


New Member
whats up i just ran 3dmark05 and i got 4326 is that norm for my comp because now im depressed HAHA.. if not what can i do to fix this... specs below thanxx
Also, dont put too much faith in (cough)silly(cough) benchmarks like 3DMark (or benchmarks for that matter) ;) Sure they give you a general picture of your system but a dozen points here and there doesnt mean jack
Praetor said:
Also, dont put too much faith in (cough)silly(cough) benchmarks like 3DMark (or benchmarks for that matter) ;) Sure they give you a general picture of your system but a dozen points here and there doesnt mean jack
very true. They multiply the average frame rate by 800 or something to get your score so even large differences don't make a difference.
hmmm my p4 3ghz ht with the 6600gt oc"ed got 6000+ i guess the 10,000 rpm drive helps or something or the dual channel ram
Also depends if you have the full version or the trial version, both give different scores. I think that score is right though.
kof2000 said:
hmmm my p4 3ghz ht with the 6600gt oc"ed got 6000+ i guess the 10,000 rpm drive helps or something or the dual channel ram

Harddrives won't do A THING with video benchmarks. Um...duh, this is video, not access speed :p

But yeah, I can get good enough speeds with my system so I'm not worried about the lower scores. I get 25-40FPS in Doom 3, ultra gfx setting, 4x AA. A steady 60 if I go without AA. So yeah, those benchmarks are cool, but why bother when it's the games that count :rolleyes: