4.0 ghz club!

Mine is not a E8400.


nice clock man
well, i've been playing oblivion on it for about 5 hours, lol. haven't really stress tested it though. i left the memory linked too.
I've got my P4 (Cedar Mill 661 65nm) from its stock (3 or 3.6 ish?) up to to 6 or 7ghz before but it currently sits at 4.5 stable.
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i tried that but failed i think they faked it

i needed liquid cooling to get to 6.5 but it ran HOT

5ghz is about the max you can run it stable with air.
im a member of the 3.6 ghz club for now :(

i breezed through 3.0-3.5 but now im hitting a brick wall with my temps.... under 100% load i hit around 72, 73C @ 3.6ghz with arctic silver and an aftermarket cooler, with 2 thermaltake 120mm case fans. makes no sense
im a member of the 3.6 ghz club for now :(

i breezed through 3.0-3.5 but now im hitting a brick wall with my temps.... under 100% load i hit around 72, 73C @ 3.6ghz with arctic silver and an aftermarket cooler, with 2 thermaltake 120mm case fans. makes no sense

voltage, are you using real temp?
voltage, are you using real temp?

yes realtemp. smartfan was generally reading 10 degrees higher. i pray to god realtemp is the accurate one because if my CPU was sitting at 80 degrees during a 2 hour stress test, this chip is as good as dead in the near future. my voltage is at 1.225 right now
E8400 has a ton of thermal sensor issues, I'd use a good 'ole temp readout on the front of the case if I were you.
not exactly 4ghz, but i got a pair of PII Xeons to 450mhz from the stock 350 (100mhz FSB) thats a 20%+ increase

runs server 2003 quite well now actually (before it was a bit slow)
i swear to god, that pentium 2 rig is the most reliable machine ever.

Compaq proliant, i got it for like £50 in 2001, and the company who had previously had it running 24/7 since early 1999. Its sat in my room since then humming away running my home lan ever since (windows NT4 power!). Only ever been rebooted 4 times by me. thats an uptime of like 75,000+ hours isnt it?

in the 7? years ive had it, theres onle ever been one problem, a disk failure.
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