A whole shift in computer gaming?

The modern console as we know it stands only a few more generations at best I feel. The shift is near but it all hinges on the infrastructure of global internet speeds and reliability.
Consoles will not go anywhere. You can install them anywhere, they hook up to anything and they work exactly how advertised out of the box.

As for cloud gaming....well you see corporations are greedy and until they can figure out a way to charge you out the ass for the service they won't do it.
Consoles will not go anywhere. You can install them anywhere, they hook up to anything and they work exactly how advertised out of the box.

As for cloud gaming....well you see corporations are greedy and until they can figure out a way to charge you out the ass for the service they won't do it.

Haha well I guess that is true. I just thought it was interesting.
PC gamers spend thousands of dollars to put together systems loaded with RAM and bleeding edge graphics cards

horse sh*t. i have a little under $600 in my rig and i can play any game, most at better settings than consoles have
I'm not loaded with money either. I spent maybe $1000 AUD on this build, over the course of a few months, mixing and matching parts from my other system.

I had a zombie system for a while :p
It's okay ganzey your smart and know how to use your money. Some rich people who have no idea what they are doing with their money buy 24 gigs of ram to play halo. And they are still using a 32 bit OS cause they are dumb. But your one of the smart people ganzey.
I don't see how cloud gaming can work well. If all processing is done remotely then data will have to travel back and forth constantly between the computer and the server. This would make FPS and other games that depend on timing almost impossible to play!
horse sh*t. i have a little under $600 in my rig and i can play any game, most at better settings than consoles have

Hell anymore a $350 emachine with a $50 8800GT has more power then a console :p

I spent just under $800 for my rig in the sig almost 2 years ago. Still maxes all games. The only addition I made in 2 years was the GPU (which I traded original gpu + $30)
I spent just under $800 for my rig in the sig almost 2 years ago. Still maxes all games. The only addition I made in 2 years was the GPU (which I traded original gpu + $30)

Lies, no DX11, and I'd like to see a 8800GT max out Crysis. :p or games of that sorts.

anyways, I doubt that cloud gaming is going to happen. I prefer having my own pc, and when I'm not satisfied with it, i can upgrade it.
besides.. they're not talking that much about the costs, do they?
I wonder how long you can game using that cloudgaming, before you reached the kind of money paid for subscriptions of wich you could've bought a nice pc yourself.
Hell anymore a $350 emachine with a $50 8800GT has more power then a console :p

I spent just under $800 for my rig in the sig almost 2 years ago. Still maxes all games. The only addition I made in 2 years was the GPU (which I traded original gpu + $30)
Difference is that a computer does many things, and the consoles processing power is devoted solely to gaming. And I doubt an eMachine with an 8800GT is going to play Crysis in full 1080p. Hell, my old 8800GT could hardly play it at 1440 x 900 at medium.

PC gaming is dying for 2 main reasons. Expensive hardware and piracy. $200 for a console for 5 years or $1000 every 2 or 3 years for a new PC? Also, game developers know there is no money in PC gaming because half of the people will just download it. And if they try using a DRM or something similar they get nothing but bad press. PC gaming is a lose-lose situation for developers.
Hell anymore a $350 emachine with a $50 8800GT has more power then a console :p

I spent just under $800 for my rig in the sig almost 2 years ago. Still maxes all games. The only addition I made in 2 years was the GPU (which I traded original gpu + $30)

An 8800GT cannot max out all games, I had one, I would know. Consoles are the future of gaming, not PC. I'm probably done with gaming PCs, this is my last one. Consoles are far cheaper (mostly because companies don't make money off the consoles, but the games), and are easier to deal with.
Difference is that a computer does many things, and the consoles processing power is devoted solely to gaming. And I doubt an eMachine with an 8800GT is going to play Crysis in full 1080p. Hell, my old 8800GT could hardly play it at 1440 x 900 at medium.

Very few games are native 1080p for the 360 rest are just stretched 720p and the ones that are native are not like Far Cry 2 or a game of that caliber http://www.makeyougohmm.com/xbox360-1080p-games/ I mean PS3 AND 360 lag on Far Cry 2 which was my buddies biggest issue on his 360.

An 8800GT cannot max out all games, I had one, I would know. Consoles are the future of gaming, not PC. I'm probably done with gaming PCs, this is my last one. Consoles are far cheaper (mostly because companies don't make money off the consoles, but the games), and are easier to deal with.

It could during its day and even now it still does medium/high on Crysis and I should know I had it and it did it and if you overclocked a little it would do high on 1680x1050.

Consoles are far cheaper (mostly because companies don't make money off the consoles, but the games)
$300-400 for a console...then $60+ a game correct? Then take into consideration all the RROD issues etc....the yearly fee to play online + the charge for every update aka the DLC and its not as cheap as you think. They just know how to milk people over time. I mean you could argue online MMO for PC but it is not mandatory from you.

Personally my PC can emulate every console from xbox/ps2/N64 all the way down to Atari. With a few $$$ you can buy classic USB remotes and most the games sega/snes/etc are not copyright thus can be downloaded legally. With the PS1/PS2/Xbox/etc you have to simply own the system + games (dirt cheap) Later in life it will emulate the 360/PS3 and hell maybe even the Wii (but why would you want too)

Say what you want but the PC is never going to die. It eats consoles and makes them part of it :p Lets see a PS3/360 do that without charging you full price (which will never happen)
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$300-400 for a console...then $60+ a game correct? Then take into consideration all the RROD issues etc....the yearly fee to play online + the charge for every update aka the DLC and its not as cheap as you think. They just know how to milk people over time. I mean you could argue online MMO for PC but it is not mandatory from you.

Personally my PC can emulate every console from xbox/ps2/N64 all the way down to Atari. With a few $$$ you can buy classic USB remotes and most the games sega/snes/etc are not copyright thus can be downloaded legally. With the PS1/PS2/Xbox/etc you have to simply own the system + games (dirt cheap) Later in life it will emulate the 360/PS3 and hell maybe even the Wii (but why would you want too)

Say what you want but the PC is never going to die.

Correct, but it's the same for PC too. All the games I own cost $50/$60 a pop. And look at COD, they're charging for the "stimulus packages" for PCs too. And for the hardware consoles are a better deal. Trust me, I was a die-heart PC gamer for the longest time (heck, I still don't own any real consoles), but PC gaming is slowly dying, just look at all the games that are being ported to PC instead of the other way around.
you guys are forgetting some major factors. Most of you are out of the demographic that sells tons of consoles versus gaming PCs.

Why consoles are so great:

  1. One unit to hook up, if HDMI is supported you can install it by connecting two cables
  2. Easy to use, no software to install, no OS to worry about
  3. Affordable - cheaper than a gaming PC
  4. Huge used game/trading market that the PC doesn't have. I can't sell my steam games if I don't like them or trde them in for credit towards other games
  5. It interacts with everything automatically. Your PC, your stereo, streams movies online via netflix, streams media over your network, has built in social netowrking and almost every other thing a PC offers

Now, the advantages of a PC are as follows:

  1. Highest performance, push games to the limit
  2. Also a computer, can run many applicatins
  3. Certain games, like First Person Shooters, play a ton better on the PC
  4. Easier to pirate software (hence cheaper) otherwise there is no price different between console and PC games, unless you want to account for the Wii. In that case Wii games are so cheap they offset console games being cheaper.

Some people don't want the hassle of booting into an OS, running anti virus software, and other things to just play games. You gotta realize that most people care less about how it works, rather than it just works for them. Consoles offer that right out the box, they are idiot proof.

Now, PC gaming will probably be cutting edge over consoles because of the hardware market, and the demographics they market to. Neither of them are going to crush the other as really they are sort of different markets all together.

Most people who game on a PC also own a console, or several. I own a Wii, PS3 and a 360. I also own a nice gaming PC. I have my personal preferences, and there are games on both platforms that work better on one or the other. For example I don't think God of War 3 would be as good on PC as it would PS3. It is a platformer game, and they just "feel better," on a console, on a big screen HD TV, in 1080P, with surround sound through your home entertainment speakers. GOW III floored me with how bad ass it was for a console game. I was very impressed, more so than any PC game I have played in 2010 so far.

So it comes down to preference ultimately, and I don't see either of them going anywhere soon.
Correct, but it's the same for PC too. All the games I own cost $50/$60 a pop. And look at COD, they're charging for the "stimulus packages" for PCs too. And for the hardware consoles are a better deal. Trust me, I was a die-heart PC gamer for the longest time (heck, I still don't own any real consoles), but PC gaming is slowly dying, just look at all the games that are being ported to PC instead of the other way around.

but look at the uproar that caused when they charged for DLC. Bare in mind I have links with several CoD clans, I know, out of maybe ~150 people that own MW2, 2 that bought the DLC.

You look at near every other PC game, and DLC is free, and I don't mean expansions, I mean DLC. Looking through my steam game list now:

All Valve games (of which I have many)
Red Orchestra
Battlefield 2
GoW (non-steam game)

all free DLC. The only game in that list that I would have to pay for, and won't pay for, DLC, is Modern Warfare 2, and it is because Activision is greedy.

Now, that is very far off topic, I know, my appologies to OP for that. However, I don't know how prices are in US, but over here, Xbox and PS3 games, when they come out are all either £40 or £50. A PC game is always, unless it is Modern Warfare 2, £30 or less. Over time, a PC game is £30 in total, over time, an Xbox game can be £70+ thanks to DLC payments. So, let us say you have 10 games, with all DLC on both PC and console, that is on a PC, £300 for games. On a console, that is £700 for games. Put in the price of the console, it is roughly equal to what a PC would cost to be able to run those games well

you could then say, what about upgrades, let's assume over 1 year, you buy another 5 games, plus DLC, that is £150 for PC, £350 for console. £200 is so much more than required to keep up to date.

And I know those figures aren't anywhere near real world because you don't HAVE to buy DLC, and you won't necessarily always get games when they are still full price, but the difference, over time, is negligable really, so that can't really be factored in at all. Even if you payed 20% extra for a PC, you have to remember that you get increased functionality. It was big news when Xbox started doing live streaming of TV, even though PCs had been doing it for years. Same goes for when internet came out on the wii, when HD movies were available, when the PS2 could play DVDs, when you could start downloading games on demand. The PC is always the first, and always does it much more easily than a console can. I am on the internet, listening to music, downloading a game, all at once. A console can do that, yes, however it can do it nowhere near as well or as easily as a PC can. You can't do half as much of the stuff that you can on a PC on a console, so a little extra to be able to do all that seems reasonable to me. Most people have an "everyday" computer in their homes anyway, that if they had made a gaming PC rather than a console, would have cose the same as having both the PC and console.

Like tlarkin says, there are pros and cons to each. I have an xbox, wii and gaming PC. I don't use my wii so much any more, but my xbox I do and my PC I do. I can understand why consoles are so popular, I can understand why people prefer PC gaming, it is preference, depends on the game and several other things, but PC gaming is going nowhere, it isn't dieing, it isn't going to die, it is going to be here until a console can do everything as well as a PC can.

As to the cloud gaming, I can't see it working, but we will see, it may be revolutionary. I still prefer having the game on my computer though because of mods and fixing things yourself :D
I don't see pc gaming dying at all. All i see is stupid console fanboys saying it is because they have crysis 2. Most if not all console games run at 720p or less at native and are then upscaled. thats why pc gaming will always be better. Higher resolutions.