Adobe's CS4 Pricing Is Whack!


VIP Member
Because Adobe's insane pricing policy means that it would be cheaper to fly from London to New York, grab a copy of the software, spend the night in a hotel, and fly back to London the next day!

Yes you read that right. At today's exchange rate, the full suite of design programmes is a full £1,358 more expensive to purchase in the UK than it is for our colonial cousins in the USA.


You bastards... :cool:


VIP Member
It's not you guys in the US that pay extra, it's us in the UK. We're the ones that get bent over and George Michael'd!


New Member
That is just stupid! But i suppose if people are going to want it, they are going to have to pay for it.....


Active Member
and adobe wonders why their software it the most pirated, its a crime to not pirate it and pay that kind of money.

(for legal purposes dont pirate stuffs:))


i strongly urge that none of you interested in getting this program go to and run a search for adobe cs4


VIP Member
And yet... they wonder why people pirate :rolleyes:

If they would use their heads and not their wallets, they might make more money :p


Active Member
Yeah, if it was a couple hundred, they'd have way more sales...but at that price, CS2 which I got for free from school works fine for me.


Super Moderator
Staff member
OMG what are adobe thinking? all they are going to get is millions of illegal copys ending up on torrent sites and i agree 100% with what ThatGuy16 said...
And yet... they wonder why people pirate :rolleyes:

If they would use their heads and not their wallets, they might make more money :p


P.I Dragon
ducis and DirtyD, infractions issued, you know the rules so why blatantly stamp on them...

Vizy, nicely avoided...

More on topic, i have CS3 masters collection, theres no way that adobes marketing can convince me to buy CS4 at that price, what can it possibly add to CS3 that i cant do already?