Best PS3 Game?


New Member
I'm looking for a great PS3 Game that I can buy for my friend as he comes to America on August...

Which one should I buy?
If he gets here in august, get Lair. That one's supposed to be spectacular and it's on top of my b-day list.
buy a 360 and get some good games.
*gears of war
*PGR 3
*Star Trek Legacy
buy a 360 and get some good games.
*gears of war
*PGR 3
*Star Trek Legacy

Most of those are (or will be) available for PS3 and/or PC aswell as 360.
buy a 360 and get some good games.
*gears of war
*PGR 3
*Star Trek Legacy

I'm sorry but my friend doesn't have a 360...and I'm not able to buy him a 360 since I don't have any money and I'm trying to make the money from selling my computer on youtube or in this forum.

I would seriously rather buy a 360 than PS3...:)
MGS4 and Ratchet and Clank: Future Something! Wahoo!

They are definately going to be system sellers. Ratchet and Clank for the visuals (it looks like a Pixar film for goodness sake!) and sheer enjoyment value, and MGS4 for...well...just about everything! It will be awesome!
Yea, most..but of that list the best won't make it to the PS3..gow, halo 3, pgr 3

Of course, but there in lies the dilemma: Microsoft have a huge list of exclusives on the way (nearly 100), however, of those, very few are actually 'heavy-hitters' i.e., system sellers. I have no doubt that games like Halo 3 will be fantastic, but I can't help but feel that Microsoft went for quantity rather than quality at this year's E3. MGS4, however, is Sony's one 'big' exclusive (let's forget about LBP for a second) and certainly has the potential to be better than all of the 360 exclusives put together. Ok...slight exaggeration there but I still think it's gonna rock :D. I'll certainly be buying a PS3 for it.