BIOS Updates

Yes, @bios is Gigabytes Windows bios update program. If you want update through the bios you use Q Flash, you just download your new bios and save it to a floppy, boot go into your Bios and pick Q Flash and then put the floppy in with the bios you downloaded
Q Flash

That's simple, is that all, anything that could cause a problem with that? If I do it in BIOS(as above), do I have to do anything else?



Staff member
Nope thats all, theres always the chance that something might go wrong, I,ve used both and never ended up with a frisbee yet:cool:


Staff member
You just need the .f4 file, the others are for if you boot to the floppy instead of using Q Flash when your already in the bios, when it starts up start pressing Delete to get into the bios, when in the bios put the floppy in and go to Q Flash in the bios options you press F8, and away you go.
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Staff member
Yeap, if you have vista installed just use @bios to do it. I know, the first one I did I was a nervous wreck, kept my eyes closed when I rebooted:p. If it will boot without the Bios update you can install vista then use @bios to update it through Windows- either way. The only problem I see you could have is if the new board wont boot at all with the processor, you will have to put a processor in that will boot or have gigabyte send you a updated bios chip
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Yeap, if you have vista installed just use @bios to do it. I know, the first one I did I was a nervous wreck, kept my eyes closed when I rebooted:p. If it will boot without the Bios update you can install vista then use @bios to update it through Windows- either way

Which is the safest? What do you mean if it will boot without the BIOS update, do you mean trying to install Vista and it starts?


Staff member
Yea it could run just fine and call it a unknown processor or some other processor, install vista- download the new bios extract the file- install @bios- run it and direct it to the new bios you saved
Yea it could run just fine and call it a unknown processor or some other processor, install vista- download the new bios extract the file- install @bios- run it and direct it to the new bios you saved

I will probably use Qflash just to be safe, I don't want any difficulty out of Vista, I am not going to give it anything to screw up with, lol.

Thanks for the input