Boot Up Contest

b00gi mAM

New Member
BOOT UP CPNTEST :Hey everybody I wanna see whose computer boots up the fastest post a pic and what kind of harddrive you have and if you're running RAID. INSTRUCTIONS: as soon as windows boots up hit control alt delete. then go to performance and when ur cpu gets down to zero and STAYS there hit: Prt Scr SysRq and post the picture here via a hotlink.

post a pic of ur performance meter

here's mine:

those two big spikes/bocks is how long it took windows to boot up

now post urs!

I think that was like 15 seconds... and it only takes like 4 if i don't start mcafee at boot up but i'm cool with that... oo and don't cheat don't go and disable ALL ur programs then post a pic.. do it as if all the programs u need for an usual day.

Thanks. oo and if your really unfortunate and the boout up dosen't fit in the litle green bar then maximize the window and take a picture of that.

hard drives: 1 80 gig samsung 7,200 RPM and one slave Maxtor 7.200 Rpm windows is booting off the Samsung.
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nice... umm what kind of hardrives are you running?

oo my bad didn't see ur sig

ya thats about how fast i boot up aswell the second big block is all Mcafee booting up.
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Hmm....this thread is weird because the boot sequence also involves that prior to when the task manager can kick in with its measurements. Anyway, here is mine... which takes a loong time to load partly due to Kerio rules and the Avast! antivirus.


Jiffyman said:
I like that clear boarder around the edes of your task manager. What did you use to make it do that? Or is it just a theme/appearance?
it came with windowblinds.
Ya well i uninstalled the mcafee cuz i get it free since i got Comcast anyways and wehn my comp starts showing signs of viruses i'll just download it againg ... All it really dod was slow down my internet cuz of the stupid firewall..

I tried it on my trusty averatec. Remember, it's underclocked to 800MHz with some other tweaks. For some reason as of recently it's seemed to lag a bit more during boot, but nothing major as you can see. Most of that is the wifi program that works with my card(I've been told to use it instead of the windows on)
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b00gi mAM said:
beyond you have to press CTRL ALT DLETE AS SOON as windows boots up...

i did .. i guess you can't tell from the ss but it goes up to 19% then returns to idle..