Boot Up Contest

I agree with praetor, according to my cpu usage, it looks like my comp boots up very quickly. But in fact it takes about 20 seconds to boot up.
Hehe then its a damn good thing CPU usage means very little with respect to boottimes :)

well as soon as my pc reaches 0% its done. I just assumed thats how it was for everyone else as well sorry
Not mentioning everyone else .. thats not the case for you either :)
I attched mine to this post. I'm not done tweaking yet either. Also Since eariler in the thread someone said that's fishey wait 15scond's so i left it on for a bit so you can see the graph stays.

For ram usage my goal is 85MB for idel.

Start up speed is less then 15 second's I'm pretty sure although I have never timed it, I've been working on it trying to get it to start up as fast as possible.


edit:Oh, I think i didn;t quite graps the concept at first lol, I was supost press it right away and wait untill it got to 0 so the graph would hsow how long it takes?

It onlyl takes a few second's for how I have it running now. I'll do another screenshot soon.

Is there any program that can timme how fast your PC starts up completly from pressing the on button?
This is indeed a peculiar thread as mentioned before…

jancz3rt said:
Hmm....this thread is weird because the boot sequence also involves that prior to when the task manager can kick in with its measurements.

… a boot contest using a method that doesent measure your boot time.
I assume you are talking about time here, then you usually measure how long it takes from pushing ON till you can actually start using windows. CPU usage is thereby irellevant.
Xycron asked earlier:

Xycron said:
Is there any program that can timme how fast your PC starts up completly from pressing the on button?

The answer to this is yes, not no! There is and its called BootVis a Microsoft tool as mentioned by spacedude89, he just got ignored :rolleyes:.

spacedude89 said:

This is what you do after having installed it:
You choose Trace → Next Boot + Driver Delays (if you wanna trace delays caused by your drivers aswell). Then okay, but wait till all messages are closed! Its still working in the background, if you wait youll see when its finished. A window with graphs will pop up and you can see how long each bootup activity takes. To see the total bootup time hold your mouse over the little box in the graph window. You can even use it to optimize bootup time by using Trace → Optimize System, and run a new test. If your bootup time is fairly good already you probably wont see much change, but for Motoxrdude that says his bootup takes 45-100s, its another ballgame. Intrestingly enough Microsoft claims its not meant to shorten boot time, but try for yourself :p.

This will give you your exact boot up time in seconds.

EDIT: Yeah and of course after pressing OK restart your computer! :D
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