building a computer need help

I thought ASUS was one of the best motherboard companies but I think Im going to go with the MSI K8N one. The abit one I didnt like how the IDE sockets were and the other one didn't include much cables and things. Thanks again prae.
I thought ASUS was one of the best motherboard companies
They are. But I buy on a case by case basis .. the ones u picked arent the best bang for your buck
hmm you seem to be one of the smartest people here when it comes to computers so I guess i'll try the MSI board.
LOL dont take my word for it (although its most likely the Neo4Plat will outperform and outfunction the ASUS boards you picked out) ... make sure you do research too! :)
Ok thank you very much praetor I'll go to and some other websites that reveiw computer parts and do some research (although I am very busy lately).
ok so the MSI motherboard is just as good if not better and it will last just as long if not longer than the ASUS motherboard right? I have the money to buy the motherboard now.
EDIT: eh i'll just order it you haven't told me to get any bad products yet so....