CF Gaming Clan

No offense dragon but from the few days ive been here you are really uptight you really should stop taking your moderating job so seriously and relax a little bit. Why isn't official cause its not something you thought of?

Too seriously? Something he didn't think of? This is a computer forum, not a gaming forum, therefore, he is a moderator, trying to make the forum-community a better place to be, by not letting it turn into a "Gaming Forum"

[-0MEGA-];701118 said:
He may seem a bit extreme, but I can see where hes coming from here. This so called "CF gaming clan", is just an idea that a 14 year old came up with. Sure it's a great idea if it actually works, but it's not something that will help out the forum, and it's something that may actually cause CF to lose some credibility.

That being said...This is called "Computer Forum", Its not meant to be part of a gaming clan, its here solely to help people with their computer troubles.

EDIT: Whoop, too late, Dragon already replied :p
Hey guys, if this is really gonna go through i have a teamspeak server i have hosted its a 30 man server, that just now a clan from runescape decided to ditch my TS server so now its really just for friends that i have made from the past and are willing to stay with it. I would be more then happy to make a seperate spot for CSS CF and id probabibly choose another SA to watch over the CS side which prolly could be gamer if you use teamspeak. Its a pretty well rounded server only 3 admins including my self. 4 if i add another which would also bring people who play CSS and are on CF so it'll even out. This was just an idea because now since the old clan leader left hes prolly gonna bring about 5 people along to his server so i think theres nore then enough room.

Please tell me if this sounds good and suggestions are great. And if i could have a mod approve of me putting up my TS Server info up that would be great.


Edit: and yes i do know what kinda clan this is prolly gonna be, just a small clan of friends who get together and play thats all. And if CF doesnt want anything to do with CSS then i could just put the info for players who just wanna play with some people over TS.
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That'd be great if we could use your TS server.

Cool, It seems like theres only gonna be 10 people max that are staying with my server after the separation so that leaves 20 spots or more easily. I'm just waiting for a mod to approve that i can post the info.
From an admin and moderator's point of view, having a CF sponsored clan will distract from the website and forum's main goal and purpose and would take up both time and resources to establish and maintain. Arguing and ignoring moderator's opinions and concerns only proves to discredit(?) the whole notion.

Edit: Wow........... A bit too late on my part......
so why not just say it is not affiliated with CF in any manner and be separate? and X fire provides there own free ts servers for voice only
From an admin and moderator's point of view, having a CF sponsored clan will distract from the website and forum's main goal and purpose and would take up both time and resources to establish and maintain. Arguing and ignoring moderator's opinions and concerns only proves to discredit(?) the whole notion.

Edit: Wow........... A bit too late on my part......

I dont think it will get that big at all anytime soon, as i said its only for friends we might do scrims maybe some how but we will prolly never get serious and go OGL or cal at all. People who are gonna be in this clan are gonna be people who already own CSS who also use CF Forums so they wont mis use the forums at all but yes i admit with sprays saying is gonna drag attention, thats why we don't need to use em if the admins don't accept. And right now im asking for a mods/ admins review about this.
Cool, It seems like theres only gonna be 10 people max that are staying with my server after the separation so that leaves 20 spots or more easily. I'm just waiting for a mod to approve that i can post the info.
Are you talking about posting the info for the TS server, if you are then yeh, of course you can post that.

so why not just say it is not affiliated with CF in any manner and be separate?
I did... or were you talking to the other guys in this thread? But yeh, jsut because you all happen to come here and are all memebers here, doesnt automatically mean it has to be called cf gaming clan or something like that, just pick a name and brand yourselves with it, there is no reason (and no way) that you would need to piggyback on computerfoums name
K, thanks dragon. the ip for the server is there is no pass. and yes i gotta admit there is not much for CS but im sure you guys can think of some new channel ideas. Hope to see some of ya guys soon.
Too seriously? Something he didn't think of? This is a computer forum, not a gaming forum, therefore, he is a moderator, trying to make the forum-community a better place to be, by not letting it turn into a "Gaming Forum"

That being said...This is called "Computer Forum", Its not meant to be part of a gaming clan, its here solely to help people with their computer troubles.

EDIT: Whoop, too late, Dragon already replied :p

Once again, Halian, why don't you let Dragon2309 explain himself?;) Society calls ppl like you that constantly take up for their higher authority constantly, "suck-up". I am not saying treat him badly, I do think we should show respect when respect is due but, more and more, when I see a mod in question, there's Halian.:)

As said in another thread earlier by you dragon2309, no offense..... Including Halian
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Once again, Halian, why don't you let Dragon2309 explain himself?;) Society calls ppl like you that constantly take up for their higher authority constantly, "suck-up". I am not saying treat him badly, I do think we should show respect when respect is due but, more and more, when I see a mod in question, there's Halian.:)

As said in another thread earlier by you dragon2309, no offense..... Including Halian
Glad to see someone get's an idea of how it is :)

I don't want to be the person everyone hates because i rain on the parade all the time, but if i don't say those things and if i dont tell you then it'll only be another mod or admin that comes along and says it, its not me personally out to get anyone.

I tend to get the idea that I'm not listened to alot of the time, not sure why, thats just the way it is, i know a lot of people arent happy with anything i do, even if it would be in their favour. Well, this hasnt phased me just yet, so i'll carry on as i am.

People must remember, I, along with all the other moderators Super Moderators and Administrators are here for a reason, if we neversaid enaything, never enforced rules and let people post or do whatever they wanted, the forum would soon fall into dis-repair. I'm here to help that not happen

dragon2309 :) ;) :)