Correct XP 3000+ Clocking? Help plz!


New Member
I have just built my first computer and am very new to overclocking and clocking in general. I do know a little about clocking... multiplier x fsb = speed, but my Athlon XP 3000+ is suppose to have 333 mhz fsb so what is with 266 and 133 mhz I see. What is the difference between fsb and bus speed and what needs to be changed to get my CPU to run stock. Thanks for any help

PS - My mombo is a Soyo Dragon Ultra KT400.

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Your Core speed is also at 1.7 Ghz which should be around 2.1. Go into bios and try putting "Load optimal Settings" first. You have your multiplier at 13 but your FSB at 133. If you want to clock it raise your FSB to where it is still comfortable and stable (not too hot).
Raise the VCORE to 1.7 or 1.725 also so it can handle that speed. What PSU are you working with?
well it tryed the "Load optimal Settings" but my core speed is still at 1.7. Can I raise that manually? I have a Soyo Dragon Ultra KT400 mombo.
The stock FSB for a xp 3000+ is 166 at 13 multiplier. That is 2.1 Ghz. That would be default for your board.
also can u tell me exactly what "Bus speed" is and how does it play in? thanks
BUS Speed is the actual speed your core clock operates at and you multiply that by the multiplier to get the effective speed. Consider the XP2500, "clocked" at 1.83Ghz. It has a 166Mhz core clock and a 11.0x multiplier tielding 1.83Ghz as a final effective speed.
The 'Bus Speed' is the frequency the processor is tacted with externally.

The external clock is supplied by the motherboard. The CPU is communicating with all of the system components that it's directly connected to. These are

* the Chipset
* the Ram
* the Second Level Cache

The chipset speaks to the PCI bus at exactly HALF the speed/frequency/tact, so that the CPU talks to all PCI devices through the chipset with HALF the external tact or bus speed.

Kinda get it?
thanks... ill kick up my fsb a few mhz and tell you my temp is and every thing. is there a temp program that u can recommend? mombomonitor doesnt work with my board.
Well if you need to check occasionally PCWizard can do that for you (as well as run bench testing etc). You can get it from the same site as CPUz
MBM5 doesnt work? Yeah I looked, they are compatible for every type except the Ultra 400. Personally I would try just the standard SY-KT400 DRAGON in MBM5 and see if it registers. It cant be far off. Im not all that familiar with that board but I did a little research and read there is a monitor in BIOS that will tell you the temps. check them out.

That wont give you your load temps but at least we will get an idea.
i downloaded a program called mbprobe and it looks like it works pretty well. I upped the fsb 3mhz and now my core speed is up to 1766 mhz and my temp is at 51c idle. Isnt my temp a little high?
Yeah, what kind of HSF are you using? the stock one that came with the processor? Did you use Artic Silver 5 or the regular thermal? When you right click on "My computer" and go to properties what does it read under "computer"? Amd Athlon *****?
Just an FYI if you clock it too much its going to shut down and you wont be able to start it back up untill you clear the CMOS. If you dont know how to do that look in the owners manual and it should say. Make sure the power cord is totally out before you do it.
Ya im useing the stock HSF and the thermal that came on the processor. My mombo came w/ some kind of extra thermal paist aswell but i thought i would use what came on it already.