cpu fan moves slowly, stop and moves again repeatedly

gunadi jaya

New Member
Good evening
I have a problem, my pc cpu fan moves slowly, stop and moves repeatedly, whats wrong with that? Is mb or cpu mulfunction?
I dont have any other intel cpu fan, my pc dont turn on, yesterday my pc shows bios only 15 seconds or so after that it shutdown itself, and cannot turn on again
I would say you have some issues. First thing to try is reset cmos by removing power from power supply, remove cmos battery from motherboard, wait 10 minutes. Then reinsert battery and reconnect power and try booting up. Also, remove and reinsert memory sticks.
Is gonna be works or not?
Are you from USA? i want to know in USA if is good for computer hardware knowledge and skill is from university/academy or from unformal education?
Yes, I'm from the USA. I've been working on computers for 20 years. I have my own computer repair business i do on the side. I build and troubleshoot them.
Oke thanks
But in the computer, is there definitely problem caused by definitely things, like if fan moves slowly and stop and moves again because definitely 1 or 2 parts error and definitely know what part error
is and the solution be known
I want to know what cause of computer problem just to change parts of komputer?
In indonesia mostly, technician would be advise to replace mb with new, is mb can be repaired?
Do the reset cmos first and see what happens. Did you replace any hardware prior to this happening? Was there a power outage? We can't give you a definitive answer without troubleshooting.
Oke, before i replace mb and there's no power outage.
I have another pc with system amd, one of bracket on mb to tie heatsink is broken, i try to tighten heatsink and bracket with cable ties, its work with old pc, but now its not work for 5 minutes or so it shutdown itself, whats gonna to do?
So you replaced motherboard? Are you sure the motherboard supports the cpu being used? What motherboard and cpu do you have? If bracket is broken on other pc then you need new bracket.
Yes the same chipset, asus h61m-a and ivy bridge i3
In america mostly builtup pc not "make own pc/rakitan in indonesia" ?
To take off and put on bracket is easy or not? and bracket is not sale, must be looking for "dead mb" to canibal bracket,
Or there is issue that buy hsf that is not tie to bracket is true? Like hsf enermax t4? i dont know how to install this hsf
At last i go to technician, and today the result is i had to buy new mobo to replace, wihich price is 1 million rupiahs or 90 dollars .
In indonesia most technician always suggest to replace new not repair or anything else .
He want to make it easy, not makes him complicated .