Dell Inspiron 5000

I have a inspiron 2650 notebook

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BrockRice said:
Hello Everyone,

I have a inspiron 2650 notebook, I was wondering which website should I go to get a new cd/dvd rom for it.
Or something to replace the floppy drive.
Any sudjestions would be great!:)

hijacked much???

also, its probably a 700MHz processor...
jp198780 said:
because you could've a new thread, instead of going and hijacking my old thread...

I'm Sorry jp198780

I am not use to this forum yet. O.k ill stay away from your thread;)
Please forgive me.
ill stay with all the newbies the best I can, cant delete them but all I can do is change them
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anybody have any other ideas? i've tryed Automatic, Maximum Performance. dont think i tryed disable, or Battery Optimized...

but if the others didnt work, dont think those 2 will....
anybody have any other ideas? i've tryed Automatic, Maximum Performance. dont think i tryed disable, or Battery Optimized...

but if the others didnt work, dont think those 2 will....

As Ku-Sama already stated, it is probally a 700Mhz processor. As for getting 4Mhz difference between 696Mhz and 700Mhz, I wouldn't worry about it.