
You've never actually used Vista, have you?
well actually vista does do that for some computers since it does require a medium-high setup to run it take for example when i installed it on my laptop it was really slow but on my destop it is blazing fast
You've never actually used Vista, have you?

I HAVE in fact used Vista. My friend and I installed it on his computer a few days ago. His computer was a little better than mine, and both of ours were(and mine is) fast on Windows XP. Vista used up enough of his system power to make Battlefield 2 run very choppy on medium settings(OK on low settings) when he used to (and I can) run it at all high settings with no problems.
I HAVE in fact used Vista. My friend and I installed it on his computer a few days ago. His computer was a little better than mine, and both of ours were(and mine is) fast on Windows XP. Vista used up enough of his system power to make Battlefield 2 run very choppy on medium settings(OK on low settings) when he used to (and I can) run it at all high settings with no problems.

That's cause vista uses an emulator like app to run dx9.. it uses up more resources. Shows how much love microsoft gives its "outdated" programs.
Oh, ok. So BF2 is just running poorly because it's optimized for DX9, and doesn't work well with DX10?

Microsoft, I am going to eat your faces. Kind of dumb to make an OS that doesn't run DX9 games very well when DX10 games aren't even out yet.
delete all the crap about dx9! quick before he gets on my case over here! jk.. apparently i was wrong about poor dx9 support on vista.. i heard it on (i thought) anandtech so i figured it was correct.. guess not. i apoligize to anyone i may have mislead. :)
Guys, guys, there is a special DX9 for Vista. Its different than the one for XP. I forget what its called, buts you need that one, not the XP kind :p that's probably why! lol.
That's cause vista uses an emulator like app to run dx9.. it uses up more resources. Shows how much love microsoft gives its "outdated" programs.
All of the games i've used like Flatout 2, CSS, HL2, DoDS, etc, have run the same, or better on Vista then on XP with the laptop in my sig.
That's cause vista uses an emulator like app to run dx9.. it uses up more resources. Shows how much love microsoft gives its "outdated" programs.

an emulator? Dude, no one uses emulation technology these days, its slow, runs like crap and takes up too much CPU cycles.

The one thing MS is doing right is backdwards compatability, even though it will take probably 6 months to a year for all the devs to release vista compatible patches, but it will happen.
an emulator? Dude, no one uses emulation technology these days, its slow, runs like crap and takes up too much CPU cycles.

The one thing MS is doing right is backdwards compatability, even though it will take probably 6 months to a year for all the devs to release vista compatible patches, but it will happen.
Doesnt VirtualPC emulate processor(s), and video adapters?
[-0MEGA-];578906 said:
Doesnt VirtualPC emulate processor(s), and video adapters?

yeah but who uses virtual PC these days? It's all about virtualization technology now, it doesn't tax the processor at all, it just eats up your RAM. Which is okay since most systems can pack over 2Gig of RAM these days.
yeah but who uses virtual PC these days? It's all about virtualization technology now, it doesn't tax the processor at all, it just eats up your RAM. Which is okay since most systems can pack over 2Gig of RAM these days.
I used it a few weeks ago to load Win98 :rolleyes:
you need to use VMware, I take it you are talking about Virtual PC on the mac side? You must run emulation software for that because its PPC platform, but that is a thing of the past with the intel macs since they are x86 based.

I run parallels desktop on my Macbook pro and I have 2 linux distros and a virtual windows XP machine. I love it
[-0MEGA-];578953 said:
I ran Microsoft's Virtual PC 2007 on WinXP Pro.

sorry i thought you meant virtual PC for the Mac platform, which is emulation.

MS VPC is actually virtualization software, not emulation, my bad I was confused
Guys, guys, there is a special DX9 for Vista. Its different than the one for XP. I forget what its called, buts you need that one, not the XP kind :p that's probably why! lol.

Well, the one for XP is the DX9 in there, since we installed it into his new computer along with BF2. I'll do a search to find the Vista DX9 and see if it helps.