Free to Play Games


Does anyone know a free motorcycle racing game that has all of the manufactures on it, (yamaha, suzuki, bmw, honda etc.)/


New Member
that's a nice collection there, i'm downloading the ferrari racing simulator game, thanks for this list with links!


VIP Member
Most of the games have some sort of microtransaction system or optional subscription to give extras, it is how they make money


New Member
Hey Aastii, just wondering your thoughts on LoL. I saw that you said you played it in the Hey AAstii thread :p

Is it like blizzards DotA?


VIP Member
Yes the gameplay is exactly like DotA becuase it is a moba game and is made by the original DotA Allstars creators.

The learning curve on it is very steep though. Learning the basics is a doddle, however to do well you need to know every champion's abilities, because any can be picked on your team or the enemies, the cooldowns on them, additional effects, how they are best used, when they will be used, how to use your own champions, when it is a good idea to go to a location, when to stay put and when to pull back, how to counter champions and item builds, how to work with the other members of your team and how to work in your role effectively.

Once you have played maybe 15-20 games, you will have a good enough grasp to really start enjoying it though. the biggest problem is learning the items and abilities though. Because you can't go and google them mid-game because it is non-stop and you can't pause or leave, you have to know which items you need and also how to deal with another enemy champion's build on the fly, as well as knowing the prices of items so you know when you can go back and get what you want to better know when it is worth going back.


We have recently got ourselves someone in the clan who is a friend of a member just start playing. We have been playing with him and teaching him how. If you want to jump in too at some point should pick it up pretty quick with it being explained by at lest 3-4 people that have been playing and know the game
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New Member
Yes the gameplay is exactly like DotA becuase it is a moba game and is made by the original DotA Allstars creators.

The learning curve on it is very steep though. Learning the basics is a doddle, however to do well you need to know every champion's abilities, because any can be picked on your team or the enemies, the cooldowns on them, additional effects, how they are best used, when they will be used, how to use your own champions, when it is a good idea to go to a location, when to stay put and when to pull back, how to counter champions and item builds, how to work with the other members of your team and how to work in your role effectively.

Once you have played maybe 15-20 games, you will have a good enough grasp to really start enjoying it though. the biggest problem is learning the items and abilities though. Because you can't go and google them mid-game because it is non-stop and you can't pause or leave, you have to know which items you need and also how to deal with another enemy champion's build on the fly, as well as knowing the prices of items so you know when you can go back and get what you want to better know when it is worth going back.


We have recently got ourselves someone in the clan who is a friend of a member just start playing. We have been playing with him and teaching him how. If you want to jump in too at some point should pick it up pretty quick with it being explained by at lest 3-4 people that have been playing and know the game

It wont be till next month when i check it out im afraid. Internet is really low :p And lol is like a gb download i think.


New Member
Star Trek Online is now F2P, so is Magic-The Gathering Tactics, and sometime soon Everquest is supposed to too.


New Member
Fallen Earth is now free to play on Steam.

Edit: To me this game wasn't much fun. It's a Post-Apocalyptic MMO.
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Tribes Ascend Open Beta is a pretty good game... I bet it will be free since it is a money pit game... Interesting concept of sliding/jet pack....