Halo 2 out Finally!!!


VIP Member
Oh man I just got my copy of Halo 2 and it was such a disappointment. The graphics is appalling, it seems that the people at Microsoft is abit lazy, look like a direct port from the Xbox. So disappointed.
Luckily for me graphics arent the biggest thing to me, because I still love to play the original Halo game. I'll take a few pics when I get it up and running.


New Member
The best aspect is obviously gonna be the multiplayer. Doesn't the game use a pc version of xbox live so that you can retrieve your account or something??? I remembered reading somewhere that pc users could play online with xbox users over live.


VIP Member
elitehacker, could you post a couple screenshots so we can see?

And are you playing on maxed out settings?


New Member
Yes I'm playing with MAX AA and AS, as well as MAX resolution. I don't know how to upload pictures. :confused: I have heaps of screenshots. I'm running it on a superclocked 7900GT by the way.
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VIP Member
use the IMG tag before the links to show them here, but i'll do it for you.



I must say it looks similar to Halo2 on the 360. But hopefully the game play makes up for it.


New Member
I suspect that the programmers are lazy at Microsoft, I think its just a DIRECT port from the XBOX, even the main menu interface is the Xbox one complete with X select and A accept options, you will get what I mean when you play the game. I sure hope the plot is good, otherwise I have wasted my cash. The gameplay is not really that good, combat is repetitive, your enemies are very dumb even on Legendary, reacting the same way every time as well as repeating the same lines when they are under attack which gets annoying after a while.
By the way, how do you do that? post images in the actual post box?


New Member
By the way, how do you do that? post images in the actual post box?

After you host the image, you should be given a direct image link or sometimes they call it a hotlink. Paste it in and it should work.


VIP Member
By the way, how do you do that? post images in the actual post box?

Most photo hosting sites give you a link for posting images on forums, which would begin with an IMG tag.

If not, you can click on the image button when making posts, where you copy and paste the link into.

Or you can just insert the link between this code, only remove the *:
[*IMG] [*/IMG]


New Member
Halo 2 single player is such a disappointment, combat is so predictable. >< I can't believe it has turned into a game like UT where only multiplayer is fun, and at least UT has better graphics.


VIP Member
Halo 2 single player is such a disappointment, combat is so predictable. >< I can't believe it has turned into a game like UT where only multiplayer is fun, and at least UT has better graphics.
I thought UT2004 was awesome in single player mode. Of course at the time I had dial-up so I couldnt play MP, but I really enjoyed the SP.


New Member
UT2004 single player is just like the multiplayer, except you just play with bots, there isn't a storyline and there isn't supposed to be one. Halo 2 is SUPPOSED to have one, and what's more UT started out as just a multiplayer game and its focus is I believe solely on multiplayer.


VIP Member
UT2004 single player is just like the multiplayer, except you just play with bots, there isn't a storyline and there isn't supposed to be one. Halo 2 is SUPPOSED to have one, and what's more UT started out as just a multiplayer game and its focus is I believe solely on multiplayer.

Correct. Here's hoping that the remaining people for Bungie go back to the formula that made the first Halo so great.


VIP Member
To each their own i guess.. Console gamers and PC gamers seem to have such different taste. I loved both halo's, not even experiencing the MP.. The (cheesy) story, frenzied combat, incredible sense of control, Great graphics added up to one of the most refined, pure FPS' i'd ever played.. Oh and if anyone actually played as much halo as i did they recognize that those screenshots are so much more crisp than the Xbox version. They Don't take advantage of DX10 whatsoever though, I agree, and i can't help but think that bungies fallen into M$'s pocket.


Active Member
I might enter the Halo 2 Xbox Competition.

I am pretty good. Good enough to compete.

I am not entering to win, just entering to say that I did, and gives me something to do.


New Member
I like Battlefield 2 and 2142 better.

Apparently the multiplayer aspect of Halo 3 is said to take a lot of inspiration from 2142. Things like the ranks and the points system are going to be quite simaler.