Help me decide: ps3 or 360


VIP Member
right as it goes i want to buy something to play the next gen of games on and a pc isn't an option due to the cost of a next gen gaming pc :rolleyes:

as i see it i can play most games on both consol's
(assassins creed, GTA, fifa, COD4 )

but the games that i can only play on 1 of the consol's are
(Halo 3, project gotham ) on the 360
(mgs4, and gran turismo ) on the ps3

i also realise that the ps3 costs more but comes with better graphics

so your job is to convince me ether way :cool::)

Difficult at the moment, especially now that sony have reduced their prices...

I know people bang on about 360 online play and its line of games and yes it does have the advantage there. But for me I just cant look past the fact that as a whole package i.e. all built into the same unit. The PS£ has so much to offer. The blu ray player alone is such a big pull for me.

We have a lot of fanboys of each console around so its difficult to see past the bias and get to the real truth underneath.

It really depends on what games you want to play and if theres anything more you want to do with it. Right now for its titles the 360 is streets ahead. ITs online play is extremely good and very easy to use although sony's is coming on leaps and bounds too.

PRicing the two up, if you go for a 360 system that compares to the PS3 in terms of what it can do your looking at a similar price in the end I believe. Adding a HD DVD player to the 360 ramps it up considerably....

I dont believe the PS3 actually comes with better graphics, looking at the stats they are fairly comparable on that front.
The 360 remained the same, but PS3 has free Live subscription, and had to lower the price on the console.

The free Live might be laggy.

I'd say 360.
if its purely for gaming, I still think the 360 would be the cheaper solution. tough, if you have a HD/HDready tv, and also want to use if to view movies on that resolution (aka, actually buy the movies on HD DVD or bluray) I'm not sure weither the 360 would be the better/cheaper choice (since you'd have to ge the external hd dvd drive for it.

either way, both systems are great to play games on, and both have really nice grafics in game (if the game is made with them ofc ^_^ )

I do have a 360 atm, connected to a 42" plasma tv with composite cables on 1080i, and, well, it works great. I like playing kameo, Dirt, Halo 3 and Gears of war on it (tough, gow is a bit on the gross side imo) so, you wont hear my saying its a bad performing platform.

as for the grafics,.. its not noticable (at least, I cant see it), and when you're playing a good game, you're not paying attention to it anyway. (if you are, then the game clearly isnt interesting :) ) so, basicly, for me it comes down to the games again.
Ps3 :)

i think they are too much though,I wouldnt pay £400 for one.
I would go for a used 360 which would be MUCH less than a PS3, and then you'd save money which you could put towards a PS3 when they drop a little more in price.
ps3 are £329 not £400 :p

and i dont want to buy used

and thanx for the input so far guys :)
ps3 are £329 not £400 :p

and i dont want to buy used

and thanx for the input so far guys :)

about time they started lowering the price.....Sony are greedy.

what are the ps3 games priced at like £45 each :eek:
go with the 360. the xbox has halo and has just as good or better games than the exclusive ps3 titles. plus, xbox live is the best. it may not be free like ps3, but believe me it is WELL worth the money. xbox live is enough for me just to buy a 360.
I own both, and got them both around the same time.
Sadly, my PS3 is starting to collect dust. I simply can't find time to play my PS3
when I have Halo 3 and Xbox Live and I just got Forza Motorsport 2.
I've own both micro**** and sony, and i've find to enjoy more the playstation games than the xbox ones
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Here is another vote for 360 and halo :D! Ive got a million of those free 48hour passes so the live is free just as if it was for a ps3 :).
I know this is a never ending battle, but I own both the 360 and PS3. I thought Halo 3 was more of the same and was not very interesting. The Sony exclusive titles are quite good, Heavenly Sword, Folklore and Ratchet and Clank (The best so far). Rathet and Clank tops my list right now, but is closely follwed by CoD 4. If you don't play online a whole lot, like me, go with the PS3.

I don't get why people complain about the online play it's very straight forward and similar to computer games online.
ill tell you what is really holding me back from getting a 360 is metal gear 4 and the new granturismo

im not sure thos because a 360 premium is £220 and a 40gb ps3 is like £270-£299

but i hear the 40gb ps3 looses features any body know what they are ?
I don't know what else, but from what ive heard the 40Gb ps3 loses the ability to play ps2 and ps1 games natively. So you still need your ps2 if you want to play those games. Not sure what else though.

I had a 360 liked it but got pissed at my family for personal reasons and returned it (got it to play with them online, they live 400miles away, but they were stupid). But now I am thinking about buying one again. $350 at best buy for the Pro, and it comes with Forza 2, and Marvel ultimate alliance. Not to shabby I'd say.
right as it goes i want to buy something to play the next gen of games on and a pc isn't an option due to the cost of a next gen gaming pc :rolleyes:

as i see it i can play most games on both consol's
(assassins creed, GTA, fifa, COD4 )

but the games that i can only play on 1 of the consol's are
(Halo 3, project gotham ) on the 360
(mgs4, and gran turismo ) on the ps3

i also realise that the ps3 costs more but comes with better graphics

so your job is to convince me ether way :cool::)


The Xbox 360 is a sure bet. I owned one since the end of 2005 and I have been impressed. The game selection is good, if you got a 1080p TV like I do you will enjoy the graphics, and Xbox Live is very useful. My only complaint is Xbox Live only supports 16 (8v8) players. I enjoy playing with more people than that. Still the downloadable content and co-op online multiplayer make it worth the $50 a year price.

The game selection is at least as good as the PS3, you got Bioshock, Halo 3, Mass Effect, GTA 4, and many other top tier games. I like the PS3 but the price was a turn off for me so I stuck with my Xbox 360. Plus now with most games going multi-platform and Microsoft scoring many big game developers it will keep you happy.
I owned a 360, barely played it because I built a great gaming computer that I enjoyed much more. One day I tried to turn my 360 on and it was fried It took 3 weeks to get a new one from microsoft, this happend to my boss my bosses brother, and two of my friends, not acceptable.

On the other hand When I got my 360 back I traded it in for a ps3 at gamestop, I am very pleased with my PS3 so many more features plus the system menus make it superior IMO and I actually prefer the PS3's online play over the 360's, not sure why though.

Well If you plan on HD dvd and wireless gaming on 360 prepare to pay for the cost of the 360 + an extra $270 dollars, F**K that, tied on with having to pay for online play makes the 360 seem like a really shitty deal, thanks microscam.
I just bought a PS3 and I love it 10 times more than the experiences I've had with other people's 360s. Plus no ring of fire to deal with. I bought Guitar Hero 3, Resistance: Fall of Man, Oblivion and it came with some game-Motor Sport? I don't know. Anyway, my vote goes for PS3.
I know this is a never ending battle, but I own both the 360 and PS3. I thought Halo 3 was more of the same and was not very interesting. The Sony exclusive titles are quite good, Heavenly Sword, Folklore and Ratchet and Clank (The best so far). Rathet and Clank tops my list right now, but is closely follwed by CoD 4. If you don't play online a whole lot, like me, go with the PS3.

I don't get why people complain about the online play it's very straight forward and similar to computer games online.

and yet no hints to gears of war? tisk tisk thats like comparing a system playing pong and another playing a sega game, just aint fair

oh and having played both but owning neither (lmao) i would choose the xbox 360 because a-it costs less (ps dont hit me with that 'if you add all the options it actually costs more' stuff, because i dont need wireless internet, blu-ray isnt necessary for the picture quality that people with average monitor's can actually display, and for god sakes its 400$ !!)
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