help with wired connection


New Member
OK heres the deal.I wanted to run my 360 wired instead of wireless.So i jus tried to connect and it dosent connect.Tried the same setup to my laptop and it wont connect either.Its weird cause either laptop or 360 will connect wireless.My cable is good tested it on homecomputer and works without a glitch.

here is what im working with

Netgear wgt624(v3)
Laptop is new with built in wireless.(win xp)
Home puter is new built by me with win MCE

There are a few things i can say,the 360 jus says wired devise not connected.The laptop says limited or no connectivity.

One more thing when it try to set up network i get RUNDLL Error loading hnetwiz.dll the specfied modduel canot be found.

What should i try?

Do you know how to check and see if DHCP is enabled on your computer? If so check it, see if it's on or if it has it's own IP address, and then check the laptop.
unsure how to check that....

I did find one thing in my router which is UPnP. Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) helps devices, such as Internet appliances and computers, access the network and connect to other devices as needed. UPnP devices can automatically discover the services from other registered UPnP devices on the network

i turned it on but nothing.
Upnp is advised to be off. I keep it on because I don't want to bother with opening ports and such, but any security guy would slap you for turning it on. Basically if a program requests a port to be opened for the internet, Upnp honors that request with no checks no warnings or anything. If programs aren't connecting to the internet right, then you can try Upnp, otherwise keep it off.

To check if DHCP is on or off in Windows XP, go to the Control Panel > Network Connections > double click the Ethernet connection > click the Support tab and look under Address Type. Or you can right click the Ethernet connection and go to properties > TCP/IP > Properties, Obtain an IP means DHCP is on, if one if entered, it means DHCP is off.

I forgot to ask, on the DHCP you found in your router, was that LAN side or WAN side. The WAN side should be a client and in the case of what we actually want the LAN side should be acting as a server.
ok what it says is that it is manually confirgured.Duno why i have always had it set to obtain auto.

Account Name WGT624
Hardware Version V3H1
Firmware Version V2.0.10_1.0.1NA

Internet Port
MAC Address 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
IP Address
IP Subnet Mask
Domain Name Server

LAN Port
MAC Address 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
IP Address
IP Subnet Mask

Wireless Port
Name (SSID) xxxxxx
Region United States
Channel 6
Mode Auto 108Mbps
Wireless AP ON
Broadcast Name ON

I placed all the XXX;s
Ok, the router settings are good. What was set to manual configure? All three machines should be on auto (the desktop, the laptop and the 360). If the working machine was on manual (I believe your working machine is the desktop) then set the laptop to manual and enter all settings the same except the top IP address make that one different. For example if the desktop has an IP of, make the laptop but never should the gateway and the IP address be the same (the gateway should be your routers IP).
No need to be restarting the modem. You could technically set them al lto auto, but sometimes routers don't hand out IPs like they should, so you gotta go manual.

With the laptop connected before you switch it to manual, have it hooked up to the router with a wire, and try pinging the router (WinKey + R >cmd >ping x.x.x.x where the x's are the routers IP address) You should get no response, if you get a response tell me. IF you don't, switch it to manual like I said then ping the router again.
Edit if it's still limited, tell your laptop the manual settings, it should work then. If you are confused how to do this tell me your routers IP, the subnet mask (which is more than likely and the IP of your desktop I'll tell tell yo uexactly what to put in. You are safe in telling me this information because it's what called an internal IP. IP addresses beginning with 192, 10, and 5 (for you Hamachi owners) are not routable on the internet, the backbone does not route them, so no one can access them over the internet.