holy shit!!


New Member
sorry 4 that guys, but my f-in Inspiron's HD is at 63C!!! :eek:, 145F, am i in danger of blowing my HD??!!

it's only been running, 4 about 30 mins., same with the Latitude, and thats at 39F.

now, 49C.
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JP, 55°C is a practical limit for HD's. Anything higher than that and you risk damage to both data and drive. Check the temp as soon as you start it up. It can't get much higher than a few degrees more than room temp on startup. If it rises rapidly after startup then something's definitely wrong. If it reads high immediately on startup then your sensor's busted or way out of whack.
soccerdude said:
Um if I am not mistaken I think you can control the temperatures. Not to sure like I said before I said "Maybe".
What, so you tell it to have the HD run at 30 C:rolleyes:

SpeedFan can control fan speeds, and thereby lowering temps of the CPU or System. but the hard drive doesnt have any fans so theres nothing speedfan can do to lower the temps.
Speedfan can not do anything about the HD temperature. What is the make and model of your HD? Try checking out the support page of that drive (Seagate, Hitachi, etc) to find out exactly what are the normal operating temperatures. Some are up to 60C and some are even higher. Also what are you doing that's causing the HD to increase in temps? Such as, downloading, lots of background operations, maybe even malware causing constant activity.
also if you're using speed fan be sure to tell it under the settings that your using a dell laptop, there is a little check box somewhere, otherwise the temp readings won't be right
Your best bet is to prop up your laptop and get some cold air blowing underneath (or wherever your intake ports are, most and underneath the laptop). You might want to make sure it is free of dust/hair, as it can get lodged in the laptop and build up over time. May invest in a laptop cooler, although making your own is a fraction of the price and jsut as effective in most cases. I made one for free out of household sutff, and it works wonders, requires no power, just plastic stands pretty much.
Ok I am sorry for the wrong thing I said about speedfan. I thought it also controlled harddrive temperature but now I know it doesn't. Sorry
Not a problem, lots of mis-information gets thrown around on the forums. As long as the end result yields a working solution, that's all that matters. Well...kinda...
jp198780 said:
i was also thinking about buying a chill pad.

One of those would work just fine. Im also considering getting one of those for my notebook. I've seen a few at Staples. I think they were around $30.