Jsut a fun Fact

I doubt either of you piss him off. The guy is incredibly smart, and it has been my experience that pointless comments or incoherent statements can get some like that a little bit frustrated... I wont speak for him, cause I am not him, but he seems to enjoy helping people answer questions... as long as there is not 352 previous threads on the same topic.
You know I p!ss you off praetor...not that I try, but I have a way with people....
An annoyance from time to time but certainly not to the point of pissin me off :p

and it has been my experience that pointless comments or incoherent statements can get some like that a little bit frustrated
Oi! Coherence is definitely an important factor ... makes things easy to navigate and keeps things clean :)

he seems to enjoy helping people answer questions... as long as there is not 352 previous threads on the same topic
Heheh reminds me of the OC101 thread hehe
1. Ivy league expensive
2. I dont want ivy league; i want an engineering school, not some liberal-arts school (naturally the only school exempt from my 'wrath' would be MIT ... maybe Berkley but when see point #1)
3. I might consider MIT for grad school if they send me a scholarship.
Praetor said:
... maybe Berkley .

Berkeley as in UC Berkeley? First of all Berkeley is not an ivy league school (though it does just as well.. and even better than many Ivy League schools).. it is a public college... run by the state of California.

Second, it has the most liberal brainwashing professors (other than San Fransisco colleges) in this country.

besides have you ever been to Berkeley? not a safe town... your computers will all be gone within a week of moving there...
WOW its liek you liek to oppose ur self now thats some character u got there lol or u just braggin how gangsta ur are lol :p
Praetor said:
Heheh reminds me of the OC101 thread hehe
i was one of the countless people who started a thread on that and i would like to take the time right now to apologize. (i was new please dont smite me!!!)
he never sleeps...
Sleep is for the weak. And the sleepy :p

Wad was ur gpa in high skool and now?
3.88 in highschool 3.76 now.

Berkeley as in UC Berkeley? First of all Berkeley is not an ivy league school
Im aware hence I said the "only school to be exempt" rather than the "only ivly league school".

Second, it has the most liberal brainwashing professors (other than San Fransisco colleges) in this country.
lol perhaps but it's a school I can respect (and that is a very exclusive list for me)

besides have you ever been to Berkeley? not a safe town... your computers will all be gone within a week of moving there...
LOL I dont need a computer for liberal arts.... :p ('sides ... what do i keep you around for? :p heehee)

WOW its liek you liek to oppose ur self now thats some character u got there lol or u just braggin how gangsta ur are lol
It's spelt like :D ... and ... huh?

i was one of the countless people who started a thread on that and I would like to take the time right now to apologize. (i was new please dont smite me!!!)
LOL no worries hehe
SFR said:
besides have you ever been to Berkeley? not a safe town... your computers will all be gone within a week of moving there...
and his location is listed as California....who might be stealing the computers...:D
Clever one Cromewell...... But, I live in Southern California (San Diego).... Berkeley is too far away for me to just drive up there to steal Praetor's computer...

Praetor said:
LOL I dont need a computer for liberal arts.... ('sides ... what do i keep you around for? heehee)

Praetor...you wouldnt last 2 days (let alone 2 hours) without your computer(s):p

...and Im only around to combat the "crazies" on the software forum... the rest is up to you, Ian and ZEROX :D (unless you want to give me another forum :rolleyes: )..... lol
Praetor...you wouldnt last 2 days (let alone 2 hours) without your computer(s)

Actaully I suffer through the day during school, wanting to get home to my computer :eek: thats sad...but it's so addicting
Praetor...you wouldnt last 2 days (let alone 2 hours) without your computer(s)
Are you kiddin me? I went for 18 months without even a calculator but thats a different story.
ZER0X said:
Actaully I suffer through the day during school, wanting to get home to my computer :eek: thats sad...but it's so addicting

I do too, and its not porn or games or anything, it is being in my computer, and learning stuff on this forum:rolleyes:

For some reason, I just can't learn enough about computers:confused:
lmao are u seerious bs
If you got something useful to say, say it. Stuttering should be a vocal issue; not something that permeates through typing

I would bet that even Praetor has that problem
God no. I just cant learn it fast enough :p