Laptop for College? or desktop?


New Member
hey everyone!

some feedback would be nice regarding the subject of computers in college. Next year i am going to a public college in the area, Purdue University, im not real heavy into gaming, but i want to play Diablo 3 when it comes out... im going for engineering so programming is a must, im looking at this laptop

or on the other hand, is a laptop unnecessary? should i build my own desktop for the same price... ?

thanks all!
i think you will find a laptop much more useful for uni. especially since you wont demand such a high specced one. although i assume diablo will require something fairly good. but trust me laptop over desktop for college
does the laptop i posted on the first post have a cd/dvd burner, im confused at what a DVD Super Multi is...
does the laptop i posted on the first post have a cd/dvd burner, im confused at what a DVD Super Multi is...

It's a combo burner. It burns both CD's and DVD's.

I'm personally gonna get myself a new laptop and I'll bring my desktop with me (in case my laptop breaks down).
I like Asus laptops. I also like HP business class laptops for PC laptops. What kind of programming are you going into? The initial cost of a Macbook is a bit more than a PC but I would almost recommend them for the reliability and for the quality of the machine. It will last you longer than a PC laptop will. It can also run every single OS out there so you can develop for Unix, Linux, OS X, and Windows.

Just a thought, some people are totally against Macs and that is a personal preference, but I do recommend them in an education environment over a PC for sure.
im not sure of the programming language... i went on a college visit and that was what i asked one of the junior engineers, he told me but it wasn't anything widely used, he said it was for educational purposes only... do you think it would be a good idea to grasp C++ before attending... or where should i start?
I agree with tlkarkin. If you have to money to go apple, you definitely should. IDK how diablo 3 will work out on that though.
I would reccomend an Acer laptop to anyone, ive had one for 2 years now and its not even close to breaking down, and I have it on near enough all the time (Yes, I do use my desktop too, but the laptop is still on :))
I would reccomend an Acer laptop to anyone, ive had one for 2 years now and its not even close to breaking down, and I have it on near enough all the time (Yes, I do use my desktop too, but the laptop is still on :))

Oh god no! You just happen to be lucky. Acer laptops are really unreliable and hit tons of problems. From the Acers I have dealt with the average life span is about 8 months. They make great monitors though...

Anyway, I would suggest a laptop and not a Mac. Yes, I do hate them, but this is not about that. They aren't too great for coding, or maybe I just never got used to them...

Laptops are invaluable in college.
Like I said, maybe I just never got used to them

Coding is coding, it doesn't change regardless of platform. The actual coding part stays the same. With a Mac you can develop for everything: C++, cocoa, shell, ruby, python, perl, carbon, so on and so forth. A lot of that stuff runs native too. On a Windows machine you can't do it as easily. I would say your statement is almost backwards.
I agree that a laptop for college is a nice asset. My room mate codes on a tablet PC by Fujitsu and has his desktop that he built awhile back for playing games and such. Have you considered both? That might not be in your budget though.
If a regular macbook is good enough for you, the last generation macbooks cost about $900 right now, which is a good deal for what they use to cost
Tablets are sweet, especially for taking notes. You can pick up a refurbished unit for around $800 online *points to sig and avatar*.

Otherwise, I would also recommend a macbook, especially the new ones, its damn sexy.