Linux (Free) Vs. Windows ($$$)

Im not sure if your trying to say Linux is not comparable to Windows, but if that is your intention you need to do some more research...

By the way, what exactly is this post about anyway?
No, not bad at all. If you do any hacking or research, you will choose Linux. Definetely.
So, I must agree with all of you, there are too many such threads, and you said nonsense. Why do people who don't know anything about Linux or who never used it, say such things? That's public humiliation.
No, not bad at all. If you do any hacking or research, you will choose Linux. Definetely.
So, I must agree with all of you, there are too many such threads, and you said nonsense. Why do people who don't know anything about Linux or who never used it, say such things? That's public humiliation.

Ya, just for that. For everything else, Linux just plain sux. :p
Ya, just for that. For everything else, Linux just plain sux. :p
Sure it's linux that sucks? :D

Whats wrong with linux? I guess people are just jealous of such a stable, secure and efficient opperating system. I mean I guess if you get used to using such crappy software for all your life, anything good just feels like crap :p

Me personnaly, I enjoy have an OS that never crashes on me, never gets a virus or spyware, and runs just as fast in a year then it did when linux was freshly installed.

People just are afraid of linux because it is different then what they are used to and hate originates from fear so it is no wonder why people bash talk linux. Same goes for MACS.
Sure it's linux that sucks?

Whats wrong with linux? I guess people are just jealous of such a stable, secure and efficient opperating system. I mean I guess if you get used to using such crappy software for all your life, anything good just feels like crap

Me personnaly, I enjoy have an OS that never crashes on me, never gets a virus or spyware, and runs just as fast in a year then it did when linux was freshly installed.

People just are afraid of linux because it is different then what they are used to and hate originates from fear so it is no wonder why people bash talk linux. Same goes for MACS.

That's the biggest bullsh1t I've ever heard! There were tonnes of time when Ubuntu crashed on me, the CPU goes up to 100% for no apparent reason and greyed out my web browser, temporarily, the desktop theme failed to load on start-up, and most annoying of all, just sits there, locks up, stares at me, and refuses to do anything else, after I told it to shut down/restart! :eek:
truth be told that sounds like a bad install or a bad driver or something, because linux rarely has problems like that.

that said i still dont like linux very much, because it still has limits to what i can do with it. if i wanted to, say play a torrent'ed version of oblivion that i just got, i would pretty much be s.o.l. because A. there are no programs that'll let me play the game on linux, or B. a program lets me play it with large performance hits.

if they make linux as compatible with all software as windows is, i'll switch over, maybe
There are three big mistakes people make in this debate:

1) Asserting that Linux is free. No it isn't. Nothing in life is free. The cost of ownership of Linux is actually considerably higher than the cost of a comparable Windows server over a given period.

2) It never crashes. I've been using Linux on and off since 1997, at least half a dozen different distros, starting with Mandrake. The one thing it does exceptionally well is crash.

3) It's more secure. Most people that use Linux, for example people in this forum, know very little about it, and how to secure it. They leave plenty of holes for any serious hacker to completely trash their system. They remain oblivious to this, relying on the false notion that it is more secure. It is only as secure as you make it. The same goes for Mac, which is actually a NextStep/FreeBSD mash.

Linux has but one advantage. It's robustness. Unfortunately, there's probably barely a person in this entire forum, save for possibly tlarkin and StrangleHold, that has any idea what that is, never mind the advantages that such a capability provides and the ability to take advantage of same.
Im not sure if your trying to say Linux is not comparable to Windows, but if that is your intention you need to do some more research...

im many respects it isnt!

Asserting that Linux is free. No it isn't. Nothing in life is free. The cost of ownership of Linux is actually considerably higher than the cost of a comparable Windows server over a given period.
many thing in life are free despite the old saying :) and remember most people here wont be using this for a server setup.

Linux has but one advantage. It's robustness. Unfortunately, there's probably barely a person in this entire forum, save for possibly tlarkin and StrangleHold, that has any idea what that is, never mind the advantages that such a capability provides and the ability to take advantage of same.
id never challenge anyone in a Linux knowledge quiz (coz id lose!) but Im sure there are many more users here who know what you mean.
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That's the biggest bullsh1t I've ever heard! There were tonnes of time when Ubuntu crashed on me, the CPU goes up to 100% for no apparent reason and greyed out my web browser, temporarily, the desktop theme failed to load on start-up, and most annoying of all, just sits there, locks up, stares at me, and refuses to do anything else, after I told it to shut down/restart! :eek:

I've never had it crash on me. I have a lamp/file server sitting in the corner of my room that's been up for almost 4 months now and it's had a 100% up time. I was talking from the stand point of the OS doesn't crash when just left alone for an extended period of time.

And if you actually take the time to setup groups and permissions, it makes it a lot more secure then just giving everything the default user permissions.
There are other limitations it surpasses as well over using windows. For example windows has a 15 client connection limit on its consumer OSes. So, if you were at like a LAN party, for example for all your gamers, that had 45 people in it, only 15 could connect to a single share at a time and copy over whatever mod or what not you were planning on playing. Linux's SMB connection has no limit. If you want more than 15 connections at once you are forced into buying windows server. Most of you would probably never really need to share something out to more than 15 users at once.

Linux is free yes it is, however, I would never run a business on FOSS Linux. I would use enterprise Linux distros which you pay for. Granted I have a few file servers right now running RAID 5 and file sharing for the graphic design department. This is simply file storage, so its not like there is anything really too complicated. We have some Compaq dual XEON w/ RAID 5 servers sitting around doing nothing with no OS on them so I put ubuntu on them. That way it cost us nothing to set them up, and the servers were purchased a few years ago and never got deployed because they were not needed. How the open source market works is that the pay for Linux distros and other various technology companies donate money to the open source communities and they develop it. Then the Linux companies adapt what is good into enterprise level linux or keep it out there to get their product out. It is a 500 million dollar per a year business, so its not free, they are making money. When you go download Open Suse, Novell is not developing that OS at all, in fact they have nothing to do with it other than donate money to the open source project. Why would companies do this? They have a whole world of open source developers furthering their product, improving it, adding innovations to it, etc. Beryl/Compiz is now adopted into enterprise level Linux. A lot of you that have the Linux sucks mind set and have only used free versions of Linux. Go buy redhat enterprise or Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop. You will see how everything is tons easier, there is more support and so on and so forth. You have to pay for those licenses.

As for it not being compatible I am not sure exactly what you people mean. Gaming, sure its not compatible but only a small percentage of people are actually gamers. It is a niche market. Linux is also a niche market. I am not saying Linux is perfect, because it is not, no OS is.

However, using, supporting, and running Linux/OS X/Windows professionally for 9 years now, and on my own for over 12 to 13, I can say that windows is the most bloated, crappiest OS out there when it comes to security and performance. I mean WTF is the system registry? GET RID OF IT! Windows is easy to use and most people can't handle change or have some preconceived notion that a Mac isn't compatible.

I just recently was asked by my parents to look up getting a new computer for them. My dad is 60 and has pretty much never used a computer in his life. I am getting them a Mac. I told my Dad to ask his IT guy what applications he would need to run for work so he asked him. His IT guy told him that a Mac would not be compatible and he should get a PC. My father needs two things, word processing and spread sheets. yeah, um, any computer and any OS can do that and even MS supports XML formats (in their own screwed up MS sort of way) now. So, not only are people completely misinformed they even spread more ignorance.

You can't compare windows to linux to mac os x, because they are all different. I am sorry, you can't compare them directly, but you can compare them on how they operate since they are all operating systems.
I think a big problem people have with a any distro of linux is that they are expecting a (FREE) windows which isnt going to happen! Boot it up, fool with it for a few minutes or a few days and say (what the crap). People grew up using Windows from the start and really have no idea what there doing with any other OS with its limits or benfits. Dont know what to do with it, how to install anything, what runs on it, whats the windows equivalent is and just give up and say its crap. Microsoft has invented a whole generation of blind sided where does the key go people.
I think a big problem people have with a any distro of linux is that they are expecting a (FREE) windows which isnt going to happen! Boot it up, fool with it for a few minutes or a few days and say (what the crap). People grew up using Windows from the start and really have no idea what there doing with any other OS with its limits or benfits. Dont know what to do with it, how to install anything, what runs on it, whats the windows equivalent is and just give up and say its crap. Microsoft has invented a whole generation of blind sided where does the key go people.

This is the kind of mentality that is preventing Linux from gaining significant market share over M$. People don't want options. They don't want to have to choose. Choosing is hard work and pressure on the mind. For instance, if you open up a softdrink store that sells 20 different softdrinks, vs. the store next door who only sells maybe 5 different types, the store with 5 will make much more sales. Still don't believe me, why do you think is so popular? Cuz, there's only one option: either you buy that one book, or you take a hike! Simple! And ever heard of the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid!). Again, people don't like tinkering around, having a load of options etc. This is why Linux will never outdo M$. It's something called marketing and business intelligence!