Looking for a new phone. Which one shall I go for?

Nokia Lumia 920? Or Apple iPhone 5?

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Nokia is a very nice phone.

iPhone 4S or even iPhone 5, either one will do its job. However, I use SGS2, my gf uses SGS3, and my mum uses SG Note II. They are all awesome.

My sister has iPhone 4, and she enjoys using it.

It's really up to you, you'll find all devices handy-dandy.

And please, if you think Samsung's phones have cheap feel to it, please try the devices physically first and come back to it.
You didn't tell your exact usage for your phone, but anyways you purchased a very nice phone. I am going to get windows phone but a low end one, Nokia 620, pretty much completes my needs.

I totally agree with this statement. It's dependant on what you are using the phone for. I have had iPhone since the 3. After the 4 and apple announced the 4s and the 5 (which were the same phone basically) i wanted a change so i switched to the Samsung Galaxy S3. Absolutely love the phone to pieces!! Feels cheap> not to me, feels powerful. I even looked at the LG Optimus G and concidered it. It too is beast in it's own way. The difference i found and the reason for my change was that i wanted to do more than the iphone could.

Funny story, i even convinced my buddy (iphone fan boy to the bone, waiting in line every time a new phone came out) to try my S3. He is now a proud owner of the S3.
I have been loyal to Apple in terms of iphones but recently they have been a bit disappointing. I would stay away from the Nokia but do consider the Galaxy S3.... or if you can hold out i believe the S4 is in the pipe works
I have been loyal to Apple in terms of iphones but recently they have been a bit disappointing. I would stay away from the Nokia but do consider the Galaxy S3.... or if you can hold out i believe the S4 is in the pipe works

Why would you stay away from Nokia?
Why would you stay away from Nokia?

Nokia has been out of the game so long that I wouldn't trust them. Their last contribution to the mobile world was the 3210 lol

Plus they're running the windows 8 software which still isn't widely used or from my experience, user friendly.
Nokia has been out of the game so long that I wouldn't trust them. Their last contribution to the mobile world was the 3210 lol

Plus they're running the windows 8 software which still isn't widely used or from my experience, user friendly.

Nonsense. They've been making all sorts of smartphones since then, some of them best sellers.

And I'm using Windows Phone 7.5 at the moment on my Lumia 710. I think it's great. Never used 8 though, I assume it's sort of the same. There are plenty of apps available.
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LOL not trusting Nokia is like telling your mother you don't trust her cooking (unless she can't cook then feel free to tell her that).

Nokia was and still is an amazing company with amazing products. Just because they have decreased in market value doesn't mean they have gone down in quality. Nokia may be later than expected in the smartphone world, doesn't mean that they can't dominate like they used to.
they're running the windows 8 software which still isn't widely used or from my experience, user friendly.

Sorry but i have to disagree with you on WP8 not being user friendly. IMO it is not difficult, it's different. and that's what makes it all the more attractive to me. Trust me, I have the Lumia 920 right in my hand now, and it's not at all difficult to use!
And maybe lots of people like phones made of plastic, it's your personal choice, but I prefer a metal body -- that's me :)
If you ask me, Nokia's worst mistake was to release touch devices with S60v5 (N97 32GB comes to mind, the worst phone ever) that's a really sucky OS. Anna was an improvement, but since Belle, Nokia looks good again. With Windows Phone, Nokia is definitely back with a bang.
All they need is proper marketing, and avoid using "yesterday" hardware [slow processors, low RAM, etc] like they have been doing for the past 6 years. With Lumias, it looks like they have finally started using up to date hardware. Just my opinion, you can of course disagree with me, everyone's entitled to an opinion :)
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LOL not trusting Nokia is like telling your mother you don't trust her cooking (unless she can't cook then feel free to tell her that).

Nokia was and still is an amazing company with amazing products. Just because they have decreased in market value doesn't mean they have gone down in quality. Nokia may be later than expected in the smartphone world, doesn't mean that they can't dominate like they used to.

No, let's face the truth here... lol

Honestly, I can't remember seeing any Nokia phones (I travel 2 hours back and forth for work everyday), nor do they ever get advertised via the carriers.
I'm not criticizing Nokia's ability or their quality, it's just that their phones are not at par compared to iPhone and Samsung Galaxy series. This is a fact, specs alone + the features each iPhone and Galaxy series bring (Siri, TouchWiz's multi window viewing capability etc...), are incomparable and superior to Nokia's phones.

I've heard of good stories of Nokia phone users, but let's face it: Nokia's phones aren't on the top of the list as of now.

I can't predict what will happen in the future, maybe Nokia will rule as the supreme smartphone maker in the world again (interesting to see BlackBerry 10 though), but sometimes you really need to accept the facts that Nokia is losing the game.

*So it's not about trusting Nokia or anything, we're speaking in relative terms here. Relatively speaking, Samsung and iPhone devices are better and more reliable. RELATIVELY SPEAKING.
No, let's face the truth here... lol

Honestly, I can't remember seeing any Nokia phones (I travel 2 hours back and forth for work everyday), nor do they ever get advertised via the carriers.
I'm not criticizing Nokia's ability or their quality, it's just that their phones are not at par compared to iPhone and Samsung Galaxy series. This is a fact, specs alone + the features each iPhone and Galaxy series bring (Siri, TouchWiz's multi window viewing capability etc...), are incomparable and superior to Nokia's phones.

I've heard of good stories of Nokia phone users, but let's face it: Nokia's phones aren't on the top of the list as of now.

I can't predict what will happen in the future, maybe Nokia will rule as the supreme smartphone maker in the world again (interesting to see BlackBerry 10 though), but sometimes you really need to accept the facts that Nokia is losing the game.

*So it's not about trusting Nokia or anything, we're speaking in relative terms here. Relatively speaking, Samsung and iPhone devices are better and more reliable. RELATIVELY SPEAKING.
Nokia is an extremely reputable brand, and goes back way back before Apple and Samsung started making phones. Nokia's are extremely reliable, the only reason you haven't seen them lately is because they never ran the major OS's such as iOS, Android, WP, etc. until recently with their WP models. They are praised at being one of the best smart phones to come out, with the best camera by a longshot.
^ +1.

They are a very well known brand. For several years going they sold far more handsets than any other manufacturer and they still continue to produce reliable and well-built phones.

Just because Nokia smartphones are not as common as Samsung, Apple or HTC phones does not mean they are not as good.

Not sure why you say Samsung and Apple devices are 'better'.
Nokia is an extremely reputable brand, and goes back way back before Apple and Samsung started making phones. Nokia's are extremely reliable, the only reason you haven't seen them lately is because they never ran the major OS's such as iOS, Android, WP, etc. until recently with their WP models. They are praised at being one of the best smart phones to come out, with the best camera by a longshot.

I never criticized Nokia's brand reputation.

I re-iterated so many times in my comment that I'm speaking in relative terms, according to the current market situation. There's no doubt that Nokia is an excellent company, but I'm seeing people in this thread, using it as a reason to claim that Nokia phones are more reliable, higher performer than the current iPhone and Samsung series. I'm just trying to point that out that while Nokia is a reputable (or whatever other words you can use to describe them), it won't change the fact that their phones are still lagging behind (TODAY). Why bother discussing their past successes when they can't keep up with the current pace? I've provided my opinion that iPhones and Samsung devices are excellent, and I'm sure many many people will agree to this.
^ +1.

They are a very well known brand. For several years going they sold far more handsets than any other manufacturer and they still continue to produce reliable and well-built phones.

Just because Nokia smartphones are not as common as Samsung, Apple or HTC phones does not mean they are not as good.

Not sure why you say Samsung and Apple devices are 'better'.

Nokia is a very nice phone.

iPhone 4S or even iPhone 5, either one will do its job. However, I use SGS2, my gf uses SGS3, and my mum uses SG Note II. They are all awesome.

My sister has iPhone 4, and she enjoys using it.

It's really up to you, you'll find all devices handy-dandy.

And please, if you think Samsung's phones have cheap feel to it, please try the devices physically first and come back to it.

I initially started with this reply. Never said anything about Nokia being a crappy phone in the first place.

I started the long reply in response to some people who are claiming that Nokia phones are more reliable than Samsung and iPhone devices. Then I can make the same argument about Samsung and iPhone devices based on what I provided but I just had to put it out there, but most importantly, I didn't.

I'm sounding like Samsung and iPhone devices are better than Nokia, simply because they actually do offer more features than normal Nokia phones. But I never said Nokia phones are bad.
I never criticized Nokia's brand reputation.

I re-iterated so many times in my comment that I'm speaking in relative terms, according to the current market situation. There's no doubt that Nokia is an excellent company, but I'm seeing people in this thread, using it as a reason to claim that Nokia phones are more reliable, higher performer than the current iPhone and Samsung series. I'm just trying to point that out that while Nokia is a reputable (or whatever other words you can use to describe them), it won't change the fact that their phones are still lagging behind (TODAY). Why bother discussing their past successes when they can't keep up with the current pace? I've provided my opinion that iPhones and Samsung devices are excellent, and I'm sure many many people will agree to this.

Samsung Grand comes at a very attractive price and excellent hardware. But the resolution is 800x 480 which is low for a 5" display. Makes sense buying it?
Samsung Grand comes at a very attractive price and excellent hardware. But the resolution is 800x 480 which is low for a 5" display. Makes sense buying it?

Samsung Grand
True that resolution has gone down, but provides higher pixel density. Trade-off here, and honestly, are you going to play BattleField 3 on your smartphone? Otherwise, resolution on this phone, I don't think should be that BIG of a concern like you highlighted.

So you're going to drill down Samsung's ability to make excellent phone because 1) you ignored all other best selling smartphones of all time (Galaxy series, Note II and S3 to name a few), and 2) the resolutions on both S3 and Note II are perfectly fine, in fact, excellent. It's totally unfair to bring Samsung's overall image down because Samsung Grand (which hasn't even been released yet), in your opinion, is not a good phone. Good luck if you're a salesperson for Nokia, HTC, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, etc.
I think you're taking too much offense in others opinions. Yeah, Samsung makes good phones. But so does Nokia. If you want a good camera in you're phone, Nokias latest phones are where to look, as the cameras are better than even the iphone 5.

Don't entirely dismiss it because of its OS
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I have a cyan Lumia 900, and it's an excellent device. Windows Phone is one of the most intuitive and well thought out mobile OS on the market, and Nokia's hardware is top notch. That thing really is built like a tank, you could dropit countless times and it wouldn't show a scratch, I'd imagine that the 920 is no different. Regarding apps, while WP still isn't up there with iOS or Android quite yet, there's still 100 000+ IIRC, and all of the big names are there.

On the topic of the 920, as long as you have one you'll want to pick up a wireless charger. I used wireless charging back when I used webOS phones, and it truly is a godsent.