*Official COD4 Clan*

What's the time difference between the UK and the US, Isn't the UK 5 hours ahead of you?

So it'd be at 6 I think... :p
yes it would be at 6pm usa time on friday night game meeting and 3pm usa time on tuesday nights game meeting.
if you dont no the ip is and the password is alpha please start your name with the tag [cf].
Yeah, it was excellent, great fun!

I don't know what Taylor was going on about, the snipers good, I got a few headshots and a streak of 10 :)
the [cf]clan server is for members of cf so please lets try and keep it that way if you have mates wanting to play a quiet server then i run another server called aagametracker+stats the ip is if you want to add that to favs dont forget to add it exactely as above because the port is different, all none [cf]clan players found on the official clan server will have there stats removed from the stats page. the aagametracker+stats server is totally public and does run a stats program all info on it can be found by joining the server and reading the console messages.
thanks lets remember to keep [cf]clan server for the forum members. see you all this friday at 2300 hrs uk time approx 1800hrs usa time.
(taylormsj is currently winning the stats !!!)
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me and Kornowski would like members of the [cf]clan to no that the top 3 people winning the stats on friday the 21st of december will have their names posted on the official sticky and on the blog at the stats page. who do you think it wll be?
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