Official Screenshot Thread

here are some quickies from the blitzkrieg 2 demo... gonna have to go buy this game ;)


method of destruction (you can see the shadows in the lower right)

the result:

and some more death
Ok people, a special treat for you today. I just played Quake 4 for about 1 and 1/2 hours, and took 103 (yes thats ONE HUNDRED THREE) screens in the process. So, like before, I narrowed it down to the 17 best screens. So I hope you all will enjoy. These include the infamous "stroggification" cutscene so some of these pics are really bloody and gory, just to warn you.

those look like great graphics! i wonder if i should get that game...

BTW, i take hundereds of screen shots from NFSMW, but its cause i have FRAPS take a shot every 22 seconds, lol
if you like looking at the best looking game ever made, then you should buy q4. just the artistic design in the game is mind-blowing... plus the engine makes for very pretty graphics
Yeah, Quake 4 has awesome graphics, I would definetly recommend it not just for the graphics, the gameplay is sweet too. And keep in mind, that was run on an X700 on high graphics with 4xAA, I betcha you could run it on Ultra with full AA and it would look even better!

And like Modoman said, the level and artistic design that went into that game is simply amazing. Every room has something cool to look at.


pothead :p

dualies :p
the quality ispretty bad, i resized it through imageshack, except the edited ones
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hey TheKeVo, on what graphic settings are you playing on, I play on everything maxed out except AA, i get from 25 to 50 fps
Raditz said:
skidude don't you think that's the wrong place to post.

Yeah realized that when you said it, fixed now ;) :)

I'll get some more screens when I play it next, I think i'm overloading imageshack with all the pics I've uploaded there :p

BTW Geoff- I saw that game today in bestbuy, you think its worth $50?
skidude said:
BTW Geoff- I saw that game today in bestbuy, you think its worth $50?
When i first bought it, i kinda regreted it, but then after i played it for about a half hour and got used to the controls and stuff, i love it! I think its worth it, my favorite part are the challenges and running away from the cops :D
I might buy it then, I'll think about it.
Nice shots Geoff and Kevo, I especially love the one where the guy's face is in the plant :p