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my beastly case


and my god awful cable management

Dude, IDE to the CDrom AND the hard drive? That is incredibly SLOW! Ever try defragmenting the drive and burning a CD at the same time? You'll be waiting until the end of time!

Atleast get a SATA HDD! IDE cdrom is not that big of a deal.
^^lol i know, if you'll pony up the cash i will :D

its a 500gb and its been workin fine for years so until it goes i dont think ill be getting a new hdd
Well atleast get a SATA dvd burner then, they are $20-30 USD (not sure how much where you are) to atleast get them seperated. A HDD and cdrom is a bad combo on one IDE cable.

Also some cable management would real spiff things up. Right now it looks kinda cool, but with less cables flying everywhere it would really sharpen that up a lot IMO. I'll admit I don't go to extreme lengths on my own stuff, but I do have a pack of tiny black zip ties that I use often. Even if the cables are not out of site, just having them all together in one line makes a HUGE difference.
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^^i know the whole cd drive and hdd at same time mite slow it down, but honestly, the only time i use my dvd drive is when im burnin a dvd. i dont have any games on discs, theyre all on my hdd. and im in illinois, so sata dvd drives are cheap as hell on newegg, but i just figured if it aint broke, dont fix it :D

edit: i want to do some cable management, but i mite be getting a new mobo and gpu soon, so i figure i'll wait till then.
phenom II 940 at 3.7ghz
2x2gb gskill ddr2 1066
9800gt (dont hate)
ecs 780 gma (i know, i know)
thermal take 500w modular psu
theramltake armour case
coolermaster v8 (obviously)

for upgrades i plan on getting a 4890, or a 4870x2
and a new mobo of course, not sure which one
and possibly a 6 core thuban, but most likely not
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Thats a nice setup anyway..why would I hate a 9800gt??? Thats a great card. 4870x2's run incredibly hot and consume massive power. 4890s are fine but I'd rather see you get a gtx465 if you can swing it. I prefer Nvidia cards myself. GTX275's are going down in value now, you can get one for $160-170ish.

But the motherboard is the worst component (as I see you already know). your biggest problem is your CPU is not AM3, so you are kinda stuck with your DDR2 and 940. If and when you do upgrade, you're gonna need to get everything. CPU, mobo, ram, that kinda sucks. But even as is thats quite a capable gaming PC, and you'd just need a stronger card for playing more gaphically challenging games.
exactly, well, i was running the setup on a 480 watt a-power for bout 5 months.

and the 9800gt, ive read like 7 or 8 threads where people flame on 9800gt's and stuff, but idk, its an ok card for light gaming.

i was just gona get an am2+/am3 board, just because i dont trust my cheapo ecs.

just something like this

and this

what temps do you get with that V8
what temps do you get with that V8

at 3.7ghz idle is about 31c, max ive seen with prime95 is about 45c, and thats with as5, and a fan blowing with it, then an exhaust fan on the case goin with it too
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exactly, well, i was running the setup on a 480 watt a-power for bout 5 months.

and the 9800gt, ive read like 7 or 8 threads where people flame on 9800gt's and stuff, but idk, its an ok card for light gaming.

i was just gona get an am2+/am3 board, just because i dont trust my cheapo ecs.

just something like this

and this

Yeah that board there is the only decent AM2+/AM3 board on the egg right now.
If you can find one, get a gigabyte GA-790x-UD4P.

I'd still rather have a gtx275 over a 4890 personally. Have you ever used and ATI card? I personally think they are poop. The 5770 I used was a HUGE let down. Suppose to be as strong as a gtx260 or stronger, what a joke that was. The 5830 I tried however I was somewhat impressed with actually, but would still take a gtx275 over it anyday. I don't play any DX11 games right now anyway, but planning on getting a gtx470 in the near future.
i just think that price/performance the 4890 is the best. tigerdirect had them for $155 a month or so ago, i wish i got one then
Yeah that board there is the only decent AM2+/AM3 board on the egg right now.
If you can find one, get a gigabyte GA-790x-UD4P.

I'd still rather have a gtx275 over a 4890 personally. Have you ever used and ATI card? I personally think they are poop. The 5770 I used was a HUGE let down. Suppose to be as strong as a gtx260 or stronger, what a joke that was. The 5830 I tried however I was somewhat impressed with actually, but would still take a gtx275 over it anyday. I don't play any DX11 games right now anyway, but planning on getting a gtx470 in the near future.

I would rather an ATI HD 5850
Lesser Power and heat and awesome directx 11 performance


And awesome CF vs SLI performance




but the GTX 470s ability to play games at 2560 x 1600 is pretty good:good:
The 470 doesn't have as much heat issues as the 480. The power difference is pretty minute, the 470 is the stronger card so of course more power consumption comes along with that.
I don't trust alot of benches because most of them are with premature drivers. When the 5830 first came out the drivers were horrible and everyone thought it was not any better than the 5770. I bought one about a month after initial release and drivers were already much improved and I had awesome results with mine that crushed my old 5770. All the benches I see show the 5830 barely better than the 5770 though.

I don't get that first benchanyway....the 5850 was at 12x AA but the 470 was at 16x....???
The 470 doesn't have as much heat issues as the 480. The power difference is pretty minute, the 470 is the stronger card so of course more power consumption comes along with that.
I don't trust alot of benches because most of them are with premature drivers. When the 5830 first came out the drivers were horrible and everyone thought it was not any better than the 5770. I bought one about a month after initial release and drivers were already much improved and I had awesome results with mine that crushed my old 5770. All the benches I see show the 5830 barely better than the 5770 though.

I don't get that first benchanyway....the 5850 was at 12x AA but the 470 was at 16x....???

According to HardOCp and hardware cannucks the GTX 470 is 7-10% faster than the ATI HD 5850 but in some games at DX 11 the 5850 performs better

As for power consumption the
The average power consumption of the GTX 470 is 150W
and maximum power consumption is 171W
compared to HD 5850's 92W and 108W

and as for temperature
Nice, you need to update your sig now! That looks like a 890fx UD5 and G.Skill rip jaws, sweet board.
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i sure do like the look over my 780g board :p no more orange, lime green, and ugly yellow. 2 16x PCI-E slot, both running at 16x, and a 4x slot and an 8x slot (both sharing with the 2nd 16x). i sure do want to do something like crossfire 5770s and a physx card... that wold be pretty cool to try out and see how well it works. the only trouble i have been having is overclocking. even raising the cpu nb vid voltage, ram voltage, and cpu vcore i can't get above 3.88 stable. today i am going to try taking the ram out of dual channel and see if that helps. i have heard gigabyte boards have had problems handling dual channel with some ram in the past so i am going to see if it helps.

EDIT: nope, nothing helps. i can't even get the same overclock i had with my previous board (17x230 at 1.5v). son... of... a.... female dog.
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