Post Your Desktop "Background screenshot"

Alright heres a larger Image
Haha... I can't stand having all these games everywhere and music files scattered all over the desktop like my friends do. I have like 4 folders... 1 for gaming, music, system tools and a misc. one:D
shupola said:
what kind of widget r u using to make your icons look like that? link please?

i have the windows vista theme on mine, and i want the icons.

well, the widgets that are on there are konfabulator...but the icons were just icons that i found and set as them, i can't find the link for 'em, but i still have them, so if you want i'll send them to you, you can pm me your email or w/e

.,..or by the icons on the bottom of the start menu?

if that's so.... it's no widget, just windows xp itself....

-you "unlock your task bar"
-enable quick launch
-then just drag the quick launch "under" the start menu.
-then "relock your task bar"
if that's too vague, tell me and i'll go step by step...
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new look

i saw trevo's icons and i said, maybe i should change my icons too, so i went to look for some good ones and i found the exact same ones. i must say my theme looks real good.

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My 2 Desktops


Yes that is kde compiling :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


The little console thingie in the 2nd desktop is tilda... its a drop down console like in games. With a push of the button(keyboard) it (dis)appears.
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