Vista Users

I never buy the upgrade for any OS. For those on a tight budget wanting to upgrade to a newer version that's the less costly means of an upgrade. But for those who custom build and even multi OS their systems a full install version is a must. Each newer version promises something improved in it. For the home user the mix of the multimedia desktop with the NT core was realized far more in XP then in 2000.
I have Ultimate - it's ok. I only installed it today. Haven't had any problems with it so far, no driver issues (32 bit version), and my programs are running fine (UT2004 runs much better in Vista than in XP)... It made a bootloader so I can choose which OS I want to run (pretty nifty when I need to get back into XP for a certain program).

It also loads up quicker than XP too. In general, you get a bit safer, some more programs and features, a nice looking GUI, and that's about it to be honest...
I installed Vista Business x64 on my desktop before I take it apart, and it is a nice OS, but they dont have drivers for my Audigy SE, as well as some of my older devices, but it is alot better then the Beta's now that most companies have drivers available.
It also loads up quicker than XP too. In general, you get a bit safer, some more programs and features, a nice looking GUI, and that's about it to be honest...

It's going to load faster then your current installation anyways even if it was a second XP installation. It's a fresh install of Windows without all of the startups added. Once you see a number of programs running it will start to... sssslowwww dddownnn a little. That's to be expected.

[-0MEGA-];570187 said:
I installed Vista Business x64 on my desktop before I take it apart, and it is a nice OS, but they dont have drivers for my Audigy SE, as well as some of my older devices, but it is alot better then the Beta's now that most companies have drivers available.

Any full version will always be better then a beta of anything. I dumped the beta for IE 7 real fast but have none of the problems others seem to have running the final release on both versions of XP. RC1 when tried saw video and sound and nothing else but just getting online. I then ran Mandriva and Zenwalk later until those became the now storage partition.
Guys, this might sound stupid but.....Where is the Add or Remove Programs option? lol? I want to get rid of some of this preinstalled garbage programs that HP gave me with my computer.
Any full version will always be better then a beta of anything. I dumped the beta for IE 7 real fast but have none of the problems others seem to have running the final release on both versions of XP. RC1 when tried saw video and sound and nothing else but just getting online. I then ran Mandriva and Zenwalk later until those became the now storage partition.

True, but I think the main reason is because since Vista was released on the 30th, most manufacturers were pretty much forced to create drivers and programs that are compatible with it.
Guys, this might sound stupid but.....Where is the Add or Remove Programs option? lol? I want to get rid of some of this preinstalled garbage programs that HP gave me with my computer.

If you know what the Control Panel is the directions are simple. You can open that up two separate ways. The most commonly used and advised method is to bring up the Start menu and drop down to the "settings" where you will see the control panel link there. The other is a double click on the MyComputer icon if the customize desktops were set to display the CP in that window along with the icons for the drives installed(hard drives - cd/dvd - floppy).

[-0MEGA-];570371 said:
True, but I think the main reason is because since Vista was released on the 30th, most manufacturers were pretty much forced to create drivers and programs that are compatible with it.

XP saw the same initial delays when it was first released and still some now after this amount of time for the older systems and hardwares alike. People still occasionally are asking about finding drivers for old systems that saw 9X-ME preinstalled and now want to upgrade. What most fail to realize when buying something new is that the softwares move slower then the hardwares. You see the latest model video card out long before the next version of...?
It's going to load faster then your current installation anyways even if it was a second XP installation. It's a fresh install of Windows without all of the startups added. Once you see a number of programs running it will start to... sssslowwww dddownnn a little. That's to be expected.

Well, not really. My XP installation has only been around for about... 1 month. I also took a look at the boot config, and only one process starts up (other than default services), which is the Logitech SetPoint drivers. All in all, only 20 processes start up at boot.

For Vista, 42 processes start, and it loads up quicker.
That may be seen initially anyways since Microsoft has had to update Windows due to the fast changes in hardwares seen in the last 5+ years since XP was first released. XP loaded faster then 98 or ME in those days! The RC1 beta loaded fast when tried out here briefly. Once you get it loaded up with programs this can change however. Some complain that Vista runs games slower? That was even seen in one article.
Well, as for the games comment, not sure if that applies to all of them. UT2004 ran at a constant 85 FPS in XP. It runs at a solid 90 FPS in Vista... Dunno how that works, but it's true!
Home Premium came preinstalled on my wife's new notebook. I only really used it to set her notebook up on my network and install her photoediting programs. It runs those programs faster than her old system of course that could have something to do with twice the RAM and a DuoCore processor in the new system more than it has to do with Vista. I personally am not going to install it until the first SP comes out.
I use vista business and its very similar to XP pro just has the extra areo features but i really like the new GUI interface.
My interest in grabbing a copy for a second OS here would be simply getting familiar with the latest version. The Ultimate version offers slightly more features then the Premium and certainly more then the Basic. But rushing into it as a primary OS will take a bit longer since there are likely to be a few fixes needed later. Lanther knows what that means.
I've decided to completely move to Vista Business x86. I ran some game tests and they seem to perform about the same, i'll also post some benchmarks using ReadyBoost and without, see if that effects gaming performance.
I'm running Vista Ultimate x64 and it runs flawlessly on my 2GB RAM, been gaming quite alot.

Then you are seeing good results with backward compatibility to 32bit softwares while XP(Home notoriously) does lack some of this. But don't forget there are still a countless number of 32bit games and apps to try out. You may run into a good snag later.