What in your opinion is the best OS ever?

98SE was the first system I learned from. Still one of my favorties, if anything out of nostalgia. XP then came, I never bothered with ME and 2000, though I had to fix a lot of crap on ME for my friends (Horrible OS). Then I went straight from XP to Win7. (I refused to work on Vista computers which actually made things worse for me now looking back on it.)

I'm interested in linux, but eh, I love Win7 so what's the point besides good freeware?

ME was great! I went from 98SE to ME mostly because it had modern USB mass storage device support, unlike 98SE. 98SE wouldn't recognize my MP3 player either. ME was as stable as 98, it was an improved 98 in my opinion. Went to XP after that, never touched Vista, now I'm earning money to build myself a computer to run Win7 decently.
Still using Vista

I originally had 98 but then i upgraded my desktop to xp! Its being collecting dust in my attic for a while now though because its obsolete so im stuck with vista on my laptop! Vista actually works once you fix all of its problems and get both service packs but if your a noob at computers just stick to xp or windows 7 and youll be fine
ME was great! I went from 98SE to ME mostly because it had modern USB mass storage device support, unlike 98SE. 98SE wouldn't recognize my MP3 player either. ME was as stable as 98, it was an improved 98 in my opinion.

Orly? News to me! :p

It was mainly a marketing ploy with a few dress-ups to appeal to...well, I'm not really sure who they were hoping it would appeal to, based on how hard it flopped. If you had luck with it, that's great, but I would have to say it was MS's biggest mainstream OS failure.
Orly? News to me! :p

It was mainly a marketing ploy with a few dress-ups to appeal to...well, I'm not really sure who they were hoping it would appeal to, based on how hard it flopped. If you had luck with it, that's great, but I would have to say it was MS's biggest mainstream OS failure.

Agreeable. ME was the biggest failure in my time with Microsoft. I wouldn't compare Vista to it because at least during Vista the interwebs were developed enough for everyone to chat about the fail it was. Back then it was dial up baby. (For most folks including me.)

ME was a complete failure for microsoft. (Vista No1) And no it wasnt as stable as 98SE. Really just a over bloated 98. Which made it unstable to a point, then the driver dilemma, alot of 98/SE drivers would work then some would not. Plus some manufactures didnt even have ME drivers. If you realy worked with it, it was ok but not worth it. Better if you just stayed with 98SE or upgraded to 2000.
XP has got to be one of the best OS's ever. I've only used 2000 a couple times.

The reason is because its built on top of 2000. Really XP and Vista/7 is just addons to NT/2000 the same way 98SE and ME was to 98. But this time unlike ME they actually kinda fixed Vista and changed its name to 7 and got all us suckers to buy it instead of it being a free vista fix.

Microsoft has got smarter.

The whole Vista/7 would not exist if microsoft didnt fall on their face with what was going to be the real (new) OS/file system
I still love dos just because it was so quick to get anything done. Tweaks weren't buried in the registry or 5 levels deep in some convoluted wysiwyg menu. And because it booted so fast you could be in a game in under a minute on an average computer. You need a really high end computer to achieve that kind of boot time these days (or one of the latest ssd drives)
I still keep dosbox around :)

WinXP - not bad. Quite solid. I still like it over Vista, haven't used 7 that much yet.

Favorite though.. FreeBSD or Slackware Linux.

will starcraft 2 run in ubuntu?
- If you digg around on google (no pun intended) you might find some people who've managed to get it to work on wine - a windows emulator. If you don't have time to figure that out have a look at Cedega. For $25/6 months or $45usd/year you can play A LOT of windows games and Cedega takes care of most of the tweaking for you. (Cedega is based off wine but is commercial) Seems currently Starcraft 2 installer works on Cedega and gameplay works with some issues - give them another month and Starcraft 2 will probably run smooth on Linux. (Ubuntu included)

"I think 3.25 gigabytes of RAM will last you several more years. I am still running with only 2 gigabytes of RAM with X-Plane 9 Flight Simulator. It runs okay will it. "

:) I guess this varies by usage. Just browsing the net I take up 2 gigs. (I keep a lot of windows open) You'll find though game requirements/recommendations are going up and up. It never hurts to have more ram. Just don't give xp more than 3.25... it'll potentially freak out on you. It may try to install an update that uses extensions to take advantage of the extra ram and bypass the 32bit ram limitation..... not good. I had to reformat my computer after as I had constant blue screens on boot and couldn't even get into safe mode.
Well I would've said XP Pro 32 because it's what i've been using trouble free since the first time I used a computer. And I still use it in my dual boot setup.

But i've been using W7 64 Ultimate for the last month, in my dual boot config, and I have to say that it is freaking amazing.

Put it this way, the install went smoothly and I didn't have to install the motherboard drivers. In fact the only driver I have installed is for the Delta 1010 interface. And it runs all my 32 bit applications.

It just works!
The Operating systems i liked the most is still Windows 2000,Its just rock solid and i never had any problems with it.

second place would be Windows Xp Pro...This was a great OS as well.

I hated Windows ME.
Didn't realize the issues with ME until I took it for a spin in a VM. It is bad.
XP Pro and Windows 7 are still my favorite Windows versions, though 2k will always have a special place in my mess of VMs.
My parents have an old hp presario SR1936x with an unupgraded radeon xpress 200 1GB of memory and an unoverclockable pentium 4 "prescott" CPU.

XP ran on that workstation, the pc was VERY slow after a while and still is b/c it needs maintenance but XP did its job EXTREMELY well.

There were never any issues, no lockups, no crashes, and virtually no bugs.
I've gotta say that was by far the best OS I have ever used. Every other one from 98, 95, 2000, vista and 7 have given me issues/annoyances/bugs that were software related and were simply a nuisance even though most could be fixed. Not that XP was without flaw as no OS is but it was by far the best OS I've ever used. Vista SP2 64 bit would be up there too but the UAC and digitally signed drivers sucked.
My fav list in order

Win 7 Ultimate 32bit & 64bit - Eye candy and great performance. I have always said its a hybrid of XP's performance with "better" looks than vista
Win XP Pro 32bit - Nothing bad to say here except no eye candy
DSL (Damn small Linux) - Great lightweight OS for older pc's


Vista's way at the bottom
I recommend you too follow this link. http://www.ubuntu.com/ . Place an order for Ubuntu 10.4. It's FREE OF CHARGE.
Trust me I am using Ubuntu right now to post this message. It is free of charge, it is fast. I has well organising files and folders and you can USE IT EVEN WITH WINDOWS.
There is a software known as Grub for interchanging from windows to ubuntu and vice-versa

Hope this helps
disappointed with Vista too..It's like a large game that burdens my PC.
Until at last I upgraded it to Windows 7, everything's all right again.
Presently, I think Win 7's the best OS ever. Though in some respects, it's not as good as XP, such as compatibility, but I believe it is catching up and will eventually excel its predecessors.
I recommend you too follow this link. http://www.ubuntu.com/ . Place an order for Ubuntu 10.4. It's FREE OF CHARGE.
Trust me I am using Ubuntu right now to post this message. It is free of charge, it is fast. I has well organising files and folders and you can USE IT EVEN WITH WINDOWS.
There is a software known as Grub for interchanging from windows to ubuntu and vice-versa

Hope this helps

Yeah, it sure does, and my name is Ole Billy Gates, nice to meet you.
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