What in your opinion is the best OS ever?

I'd say Linux Mint. It looks great, it feels great, and its quite honestly even easier to use than Windows. Not to mention noticeably faster. Combine that with the solid command line capabilities in all Linux distros, and you really have a winning formula.

The thing to remember when going to Linux is...ITS NOT WINDOWS! A lot of people go to Linux expecting to be just as good at using it as they are with Windows after years on Windows...of course you aren't! Go into Linux thinking you're a total noob, and then build up your knowledge and ability, just as you did with Windows without realising it, and you'll see just how good Linux really is.
Linux rocks-just wish they made more games for it though, like AOE. But I guess it's because of its minority status and because companies think that everything you make for Linux has to be free. Blast it, but Windows 7 does have a lot of things Linux doesn't. Pretty stable too, locked up only when I accidentally jiggled a RAM card while hot-removing an HD (you can do that with PCI cards as well).
Darn, just realized this is the same thread I've been posting my OS opinion in for the past few weeks. *head bangs on desk*. Grrr, why can't I remember such little things?!
If we are talking about the best OS this is a hard call. If you are looking for reliable OS and gaming I would say OSX, but the computers are to expensive. Without gaming involved for the price would be Ubuntu in my opinion.

I do not have any problems with windows but I don't use it anymore and it seems like 95% of people who start using a other OS like osx or a linux distro seem to never go back to windows.
If we are talking about the best OS this is a hard call. If you are looking for reliable OS and gaming I would say OSX, but the computers are to expensive. Without gaming involved for the price would be Ubuntu in my opinion.

I do not have any problems with windows but I don't use it anymore and it seems like 95% of people who start using a other OS like osx or a linux distro seem to never go back to windows.

how the hell do you figure that?
Windows 7 is the worst OS

don't ever use it. I recommend you Linux


Look, buddy, did you ever even try to use Windows 7? Before you sang that hearts-and-butterflies song about it? Words cannot express my deep, deep disappointment in this NMF-plagued member (to be explained in the future).
Why don't you look up the MS website and take 7 out for a drive? Sure, it's Windows, but I used to hate Windows down to the very core of my being until 7 came out. Come on dude, "Win7 is the worst OS". Could you speak it as an opinion next time please? Some people (including me) may not like you very well for saying that.
Well in my opinion Linux distro's are the best OS, but Linux is limited on gaming. So if I wanted the perks of a unix based OS but wanted to be able to game I would build a desktop and load OSX, which is not that hard to do anymore. Don't really see to many games anymore that do not run on multi platform. Don't care for apple computers but there OS is nice and will run all major games out there.

If we not talking about gaming then I would go with Ubuntu, can do everything windows can do, plus in my experience it runs on PC's better then windows.
Windows XP Pro 32 bit all the way ah good times good times good reliable times :D, its too early to say if windows 7 is better than XP atm so i'm going to wait it out see what microsoft do and then weigh it up against XP.
Ive had the best luck with Windows ME, Windows Vista and 7. I only had XP for a year really, and found it to be slower than ME and something always seemed to go wrong on Windows XP :p
Windows XP Pro 32 bit all the way ah good times good times good reliable times :D, its too early to say if windows 7 is better than XP atm so i'm going to wait it out see what microsoft do and then weigh it up against XP.

Windows 7 is at least as good as XP Pro.