which OS?


i cant decide on which OS to get for my new gaming computer.
i want to get win7, but when i used it on my laptop i really hated it. can anyone tell me if its best for me to go to vista, or to go to win7 and hope i get used to it?
do your self a favor and get windows 7. vista is crap, you will hate it even more than 7. vista is just not very efficient. Aesthetically, 7 is a lot like vista, 7 is just more refined and fluid. get windows 7, you will thank yourself later. :)
What will you be using the computer for?..if its just general internet use of something consider Linux :),Its not all that hard to use once you figure out...but if your gaming or something then it will have to be windows! :/

So go for 7 X64bit.
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I would say 7, even if it does restrict you more than Vista does because they brought back a load of damn wizards :mad: It is pretty good once you are used to it though, and will have support for longer than Vista will do
im using it for gaming mostly, other than that a bit of light web browsing a downloading.
the problem is i had win7 for over a month and it just fustated the hell out of me so much i changed back to vista, i hate the way that it changed the taskbar for stupid logos which made changing windows a hell less efficient. does anyone know if its possible to make win7 look like vista, if its possible i would go with win7, but otherwise im not too sure i would put a OS i dont like on the computer i have wanted for years.
im using it for gaming mostly, other than that a bit of light web browsing a downloading.
the problem is i had win7 for over a month and it just fustated the hell out of me so much i changed back to vista, i hate the way that it changed the taskbar for stupid logos which made changing windows a hell less efficient. does anyone know if its possible to make win7 look like vista, if its possible i would go with win7, but otherwise im not too sure i would put a OS i dont like on the computer i have wanted for years.

If you mean because of the stacking thing, I hatged that too, you can turn it off though so it has the programs seperately on your taskbar, like vista and xp and 2000 and every other windows did
If you mean because of the stacking thing, I hatged that too, you can turn it off though so it has the programs seperately on your taskbar, like vista and xp and 2000 and every other windows did

yeah the stacking thing, but i also hate how it doesnt give you the title of the page in the taskbar, is their any way to get that back?

i think il go with win7 anyway, il probably be running games most of the time its on so i dont think il lower its performance just for a nice desktop.
I actually enjoy the stacking feature of W7 and the Flip3D thing too. It's a god send coming from XP Pro.

What's important is that you can fully customize W7 so if there's a feature you don't like you can change it or disable it.

Overall there's no point dropping the super slick W7 for dog-slow Vista.
I actually enjoy the stacking feature of W7 and the Flip3D thing too. It's a god send coming from XP Pro.

What's important is that you can fully customize W7 so if there's a feature you don't like you can change it or disable it.

Overall there's no point dropping the super slick W7 for dog-slow Vista.

i agree that their is no point in getting vista over win7, and that compared to xp it really is alot better.
im just not convinced by the new theme that they used on win7, i just find that it makes things alot harder and takes up too much screen space.
Im just not convinced by the new theme that they used on Windows 7, I just find that it makes things alot harder and takes up too much screen space.

Takes up too much screen space.... ?????? *confused*


The above is my actual desktop. All that's there is my Recycle Bin and my task bar is set to Autohide. Even with my taskbar showing I have plenty of space; i'm using the small taskbar set up.


Here's the 3D Flip. I use it to switch between windows.

Yea you can have all the bells and whistles on your desktop if you want but I have a windows open anyway so I very rarely see the desktop itself. When I do it's very clean and I have what I need there.
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The windows 7 (ultimate 64bit is best) for sure from what i hear!

That's what i'm running on my internet install. It is brilliant.

I like it that much i'm going to install W7 on my studio set up but it's gonna take me a week.
Yes, on my laptop it is better in all aspects compared to the vista 64 bit i had!

W7 64bit is the way to go :D

It'd take you a week? :O why?
It'd take you a week? :O why?

Cause i've got all my audio app's to install together with lots of plug ins and virtual instruments and because I have other things to do in the day it would take about a week to complete.

It'd be worth it though.

it takes up too much space because of the size of the taskbar on the default setting. i dont like hiding the taskbar, it makes everything too difficult and slow for what i want.
im just going to see if i can find a vista theme, anyone know of any?
Gee, man, in the task bar settings you can make the the taskbar Vista-sized. Everyone's been trying to tell you that. Vista just sucks for gaming. In 7, you can change the themes to basic and classic, change the border size, window height, all that stuff. Icon size can be changed anywhere by holding down ctrl and scrolling. We're all using 7, and I'm running it on a machine that would be snail-slow with Vista. They're making netbooks with 7 on them! If you really want to change the darn themes that bad buddy, instead of adjusting, you can pay (I think) $20 for WindowBlinds.
But trust us, Windows 7 is the way to go for gaming.
Gee, man, in the task bar settings you can make the the taskbar Vista-sized. Everyone's been trying to tell you that. Vista just sucks for gaming. In 7, you can change the themes to basic and classic, change the border size, window height, all that stuff. Icon size can be changed anywhere by holding down ctrl and scrolling. We're all using 7, and I'm running it on a machine that would be snail-slow with Vista. They're making netbooks with 7 on them! If you really want to change the darn themes that bad buddy, instead of adjusting, you can pay (I think) $20 for WindowBlinds.
But trust us, Windows 7 is the way to go for gaming.

i know you can make it smaller and change it to vista size, but i just dont like having icons that dont give the window title.