Who has the best PC in CF?

Me! With my AMD 3800+ Rofl. But seriously, I think im gunna go get my Intel 1.5Ghz Processor out for a benchmark if anyone wants to take it on :D
What? You want us to Put our computers on the net for people to access? Your kidding right?
new member, posting something thats not even related to this thread, location china, i smell...ohh whats that?? a scam :eek:
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Haven't even bother over clocking it ever since I got the whole computer built. I don't need to. Beside, I want a better case and some liquid cooling before I mess around with over clocking just to be on the safe side.
Haven't even bother over clocking it ever since I got the whole computer built. I don't need to. Beside, I want a better case and some liquid cooling before I mess around with over clocking just to be on the safe side.

I wouldn't mess with water cooling, just some nice air flow and a good heatsink/fan will keep it cool.
I would say that my Macbook Pro is one of the best laptops, but feel free to insert witty anti-mac comments in the space provided below:

I think I may have one of the best DX9 rigs, I don't know?

Actually, Rambo probably has the best DX9 rig, does he?
I have an intel mobo, a e6300 and 2 gigs of DDR RAM sitting in a box in my apartment doing nothing at the moment. I am going to build a new PC soon but not sure exactly what I want. First and foremost I need lots of more HD space so I can back up my massive amounts of data then I will start to migrate to a new computer.

The thing is, I really don't game anymore. I do on occasion but I have a 360 and a Wii, so really gaming is not a huge deal for me anymore. Plus there are no games that are really making me want to upgrade from my amd 3400+ system I built a few years back.

When Fallout 3 comes out I will want a bad ass PC, but until then I really don't care that much. Maybe Crysis will make me want to upgrade but overall it really depends on how well multi player ends up.