Win 7 x64 or x86?


New Member
It is not possible. It is a hardware limitation. You need to be able to address above 4G and have memory remapping support. 945 doesn't do either.

For all the CPU that i done so far that got shared memory and reserved MMIOs the only thing that the patched kernel does is make the entire RAM usuable because we are in a diferent time now (we have remapped memory by software and by hardware (and if the hardware doesnt support it,software will... dont you agree?


New Member
No, software cannot go beyond the capabilities of the hardware.

The logic behind your patch (I haven't actually verified it) is simple: it removes the 4GB limitation in the PAE kernel. But what good will that do you, if your hardware doesn't support more than 4GB?


New Member
No, software cannot go beyond the capabilities of the hardware. can you explain me how can be possible to run 8GB of RAM in a 32Bits environment like this?

new OS dont use the direct acess to RAM (they use pagefiles..)
I am not saying that he can put 5GB and use them,but at the moment he got 4GB of RAM installed and only 3GB usable (because the OS KERNEL) and what the patch can do is use all the adressable RAM (chipset limits) so they can be used in the OS until probably around 3.5 or a litle more.


New Member
I am not saying that a 32bit OS is limited to 4GB. I am saying that the OS is limited to how much addressable memory the hardware provides.

If the chipset is limited to 4GB, you cannot in any possible way remap the lost ram (due to MMIO) up above 4G and get at it there.


New Member
I am not saying that a 32bit OS is limited to 4GB. I am saying that the OS is limited to how much addressable memory the hardware provides.

If the chipset is limited to 4GB, you cannot in any possible way remap the lost ram (due to MMIO) up above 4G and get at it there.

That is not really the question here is it?


New Member
Uhm, the guy has 4GB RAM and a 945 chipset. You then tell him that he can get all of it usable with your patch. So I guess it is the question here.


New Member
But its possible to open the kernel until the limits of the chipset..
Because his windows is only giving him 3GB usable RAM (maybe can go until 3.5+GB with the patched kernel..

Yes, i know that,
but also possible to use all is adressable RAM to put it running in the OS (we are talking at least more than 512MB of usuable RAM.
So i think is a good idea to give a try for that patched kernel. can you explain me how can be possible to run 8GB of RAM in a 32Bits environment like this?

new OS dont use the direct acess to RAM (they use pagefiles..)
I am not saying that he can put 5GB and use them,but at the moment he got 4GB of RAM installed and only 3GB usable (because the OS KERNEL) and what the patch can do is use all the adressable RAM (chipset limits) so they can be used in the OS until probably around 3.5 or a litle more.

who said that? in this thread??
Do you read the anwsers from other people until the end or you are just making a point that a chipset has hardware limitations?
not following you...


New Member
So adamussg, about your problem you can try the patched kernel and make the most of your windows and your hardware.


New Member
He will never get 4GB usable on his machine

Its possible to run all your RAM in Windows 7 32Bits...

I finally saw what u were trying to tell me about the "Its possible to run all your RAM in Windows 7 32Bits"..
But what you are stating tyttebøvs about chipset limitations gonna have the same impact running EMT64 environments and te kernel from 64Bits gonna open the entire RAM (until it reaches the limits of the chipset and less the MMIOs of course)and with the patched kernel in 32Bits environment he can reaches the same level of usable RAM (and not he 3GB that is OS is giving him now..)
Thats was my point since the begining


New Member
No, not even a 64bit OS can make 4GB usable with his chipset. Because, as I said, it is a hardware limitation.

ok, i gonna make you the question upside down..:
no mather what adamussg installs as OS in is computer he always gonna have only 3GB of usable RAM because is MMIOs gonna "eat a entire 1GB" of adressable space of RAM?


New Member
ok, i gonna make you the question upside down..:
no mather what adamussg installs as OS in is computer he always gonna have only 3GB of usable RAM because is MMIOs gonna "eat a entire 1GB" of adressable space of RAM?

Yes, MMIO will eat x number of mega bytes no matter what OS you install.

Thats not what i ask you was it?
I agree with you in the x megabytes but not the entirely GB of RAM as is Windows 7 is eating him at the moment..
And the patch gonna open that adressable RAM less those x megabytes..


New Member
You are not understanding the architecture. In the addressable memory space of the chipset there is MMIO and RAM. If MMIO takes away 1GB, you have 3GB left for your RAM.

That is it. There is no magical patch or OS that will make your hardware capable of addressing more than that.


New Member
You are not understanding the architecture. In the addressable memory space of the chipset there is MMIO and RAM. If MMIO takes away 1GB, you have 3GB left for your RAM.

That is it. There is no magical patch or OS that will make your hardware capable of addressing more than that.

Someone call you plonka 1 hour ago in another thread and i start believe in him..
No point to talk with you...


New Member
Anyways, if anyone reads this thread, rest assured that it is BS. If you have a chipset like 945 that limits you to 4GB total addressable memory - then no kernel patch in this world will change that.