Work from home


New Member
Hello, I was wondering if anyone would happen to have a legit/effective way of making money from home via the internet. I am looking to work a few hours a day, sometimes more, sometimes less possibly to make some extra cash. I have seen some of these wealth packages, etc, but I do not trust them. Possibly anyone looking for some fairly simple programming done? :p lol..Well, just let me know, and if you do, please explain what I would have to do, etc. I have a job, but I can't really work until the summer. Thank you
Yeah well it pays a lot... I mean 5 to 10$ a search, since you can make about 20 searches in an hour... do the math :D

Whenever I can start working for them, I will do it on my bored time :p
Yes you have to find a guide who has the right to invite you.... can't take too long to get invited though :D
I don't know anyone that even knows about the site, so I guess that isn't a choice, and you don't seem like you could help. Anyone else?

why do you need to work with a company that your friends know? if they pay you, it's fine but whatever...:rolleyes:
Web, I do NOT think you are understanding...If my friends don't even know of the site, how could I get an invite? You keep telling me I can get money, but in reality I can't because I do not have an invite. If you know someone who will give me an invite, THEN that is being helpful, but right now it is not helping me.
Well if you try the guided browser, you might be with a guide who can invite you... Everything is explained, you didn't even read how it works... If you don't read how it works no one will be able to help you here....

Anyway it doesn't look like anybody else can
I did read how it works. Where is the guide browser? You should be able to help me IN SOME WAY. I full understand how it works, however, I do not understand how to become a guide. If you're going to have an attitude problem, please don't bother posting.

Just type a search, ask fot guided search and there you go, if you're lucky, the guide can invite you, if you're not then try again...

BTW you're the one expecting an answer... we are just like you, people... You should be thankfull that i'm trying to help you here :rolleyes:
I was not EXPECTING an answer..I would like one, yes...I figured someone would be able to help. I am thankful that you're trying to help, however, you didn't need to have an attitude. Thank you for the help though
Tell me where my "attitude" was... maybe you were looking for some kinda of slave here?
Learn a trade in which you craft or make things. Setup a complex yet easily manageable website with numerous payment options and international shipping. Advertise internationally with only the largest and latest stars in Hollywood and sit back and rake in millions.

Seriously though. The ever so slightly out of reach making money over the internet job is crap. The only people who make a living off the net are either legitimate business owners or scam artists.

I apologize in advance for my attitude.'re starting to get on my nerves..I told you in around my 3rd post that I do not need your help if you're going to act like that...Nobody said I was looking for a slave..I wanted someone to HELP me..instead of OMG CHACHA.COM SIGNUP NO INVITE NEEDED,ETC....Please do not reply either