Wow, that is fast.....


P.I Dragon
After installing a new 120Gb Seadate Barracuda IDE drive i thought i would order a new ATA133 IDE cable (round of course) just to complete it. I installed it and it looked abit differnt, more wires, i had inadvertantly ordered an 40 conductor - 80 wire IDE cable. And my god does it boot fast, literally less than 20 seconds, the main hold up is the BIOS doing its checks (like Updating DMI config and all that crap, Mem Testing and the like), the Win XP bar scrolls across about 4 times and buingo windows logon screen.

This might just be coincidance (SP?) and might just be that windowshas sorted its system files out or something so it loads 10 times faster, i dont know but after i put that new cable in it boots bloody fast.

Faster than when i had just the one drive in there. Not quite sure why i posted this either, just to spark some healthy deate i suppose, feel tfree to comment.

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But silly ebuyer doesnt advertise tham as any differnt, not even in specifications, or description, its just a plain old ATA133 IDE cable, nothinhg special about it. They could charge a buit more for those cbles if they were on the ball......
geoff5093 said:
how much did you pay for one of those? and whats the length?
It was £1.20 (£1.41 inc VAT), which is just over $3 USD if im not mistaken.... and its 60cm, a bit long but 5 mins with a few cable ties and you cant see it at all, so.....

harry18 said:
interisting, could you give me a link? (UK)
Yup, its from ebuyer UK so its all in GBP, If you look in the reviews, just one person mentions it being an 80 wire cable....
Computers are limited to ATA66(or was it 33, I'll have to double check) when using only 40pin. So yes, you should notice quite a difference.
Computers are limited to ATA66(or was it 33, I'll have to double check) when using only 40pin. So yes, you should notice quite a difference.
Yah, well, technically it's still 40 pin, just 80 wire... If it was 80 pin then you would need some kind of strange adapter for all you HDD's. And i think someone on here said that the extra wires are only there for crosstalk, therefore theoretically opening up the remiang 40 wires for pure data transfer.

dragon2309 said:
But silly ebuyer doesnt advertise tham as any differnt, not even in specifications, or description, its just a plain old ATA133 IDE cable, nothinhg special about it. They could charge a buit more for those cbles if they were on the ball......
Most ROUND ATA133 cables are 80 wire.

As far as I know, the 80 and 40 figures relate to CONDUCTOR 80 or CONDUCTOR 40 cables. It has to do with the speeds that the cable is capable of transferring at I believe. My old motherboard actually gave me a warning when using conductor 40 cable instead of conductor 80 on a U-ATA HDD. I changed it and the mobo BIOS was happy.

Dragon, i cant find anything like that on newegg. Do you know of any sites in the US that sell that?
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helmie said:
Why? I have a SATAII HDD, 16MB Cache & a SATAII Mobo. Whats holding me back?
Theoretically, your suppose to be getting 384MB/s. Now what hes saying may be right to some extent, but there is deffinetly a speed boost from an ATA100/ATA133 drive to a SATA II. I dot know if you've used them personalyl or not, but i have. And my friend has a SATAII hard drive and his boot screen only lasts 1 bar, which mine (on ata100) lasts about 6-7.
thats a pretty impressive speed boost, i'm running SATA RAID0 on my system and it takes a fair while to get going once the windows loading screen appears