For Now I'm going to keep my PS2. But later on, I may get a xbox. Or Wait until the XBOX 360's go down to $150.
No kidding. All models should take a $50 plunge by Christmas though. Well according to what Shane kim told Anandtech.
xbox, one for the epic games, and because of the controllers. you are so mich more capable with the xbox controller, because its so comfortable. another thing, the ps2 lags. what the h***s up with that? and even thou it lags, the graphics still arent as good as the xbox. sure, there are lots of games with awesome sories and such, but loading times, graphics, fps, online, xbox wins 'em all
PS2 is old now, but it has good games, but the graphics are deteriorating.
i'll give an example :
take "just cause" for xbox,it has great graphics,sounds, and runs smoothly, no slowdown....but the PS2 version of it sucks. i mean graphically suck, cubish graphics, no lets be serious, if you wan graphics go with xbox
If he wants graphics he needs to shell out the extra cash and get a 360 or PS3.

Or a PC with a good video card.